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Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Printable Version

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Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Mythlym - 11-18-2011

I have only ever done one or two PBP games and each one I played in ran out of steam pretty quickly. Mostly due to the Game Master losing intrest. It might be really hard to DM a PBP game,its not like I have ever tried.

Alll that said I have tons of time to either Play in one(isn't that always the first choice Tongue ) or Running one if it came down to it. Though I am always the DM at our real table I have never even tried to do so online.

Is there a good place to go and join PBP and Voice chat games? Something with a Blackmoor interest would be even better!

Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Havard - 11-18-2011

If you are interested in setting up a Blackmoor PbP here, I am sure we could be of assistance Smile


Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Mythlym - 11-18-2011

You know I just might! I would probably really suck at first but I'm used to it! :lol: I never let being bad at something denture me from spreading the suffering to others.

Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Havard - 11-19-2011

Mythlym Wrote:You know I just might! I would probably really suck at first but I'm used to it! :lol: I never let being bad at something denture me from spreading the suffering to others.

Giving up is definately the wrong idea! Take a look at the Last Fantasy Campaign section at this board for some ideas on how Rafe DMs his PbP campaigns. I would love to have you run a Blackmoor game here. I might even ask to join as a player if I'm not too busy... Smile


Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Rafael - 11-20-2011

Sounds like a good idea. Smile

Why don't you start a thread detailing your campaign premise/etc in detail?

That might generate more interest than just an unspecific discussion.

Also, be aware that the traffic on this page is really low most of the time,
so you might want to advertise it with your friends, facebook, or other fora, to recruit your players.

For the time being, post your PBP-related stuff over here:


If you get a game running longer than three months, we can talk about giving you your own forum.

Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Havard - 11-20-2011

as Rafe says, the Bard's Bench was created for this sort of thing. Get some players together and get the game started and we will see how it goes Smile


Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Mythlym - 11-20-2011

Dming anything is fun work but if I am going to put in the time I think it will have to be over voice chat. PBP while fun is so slow and often just falls by the wayside as people experience busy lives ect..

While a Voice chat will be much more like a home game and at least you are getting in Adventures and fun even if it eventually falls be the wayside.

Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Rafael - 11-20-2011

Cool. While I likely won't be able to participate, let me know if we can do something to facilitate your endeavor.

Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Havard - 11-21-2011

Mythlym Wrote:Dming anything is fun work but if I am going to put in the time I think it will have to be over voice chat. PBP while fun is so slow and often just falls by the wayside as people experience busy lives ect..

While a Voice chat will be much more like a home game and at least you are getting in Adventures and fun even if it eventually falls be the wayside.

Alright man, whatever you decide should be cool Smile

Just make sure you keep us updated on the progress of the game.


Re: Blackmoor PBP/Voice chat game or other. - Rafael - 12-11-2011

So, what became of this?

Seemed like a good enough idea.