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Blackmoor reading list - Printable Version

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Blackmoor reading list - Rafael - 01-15-2011


I'm putting together some notes for something...

Which books (novels), movies, comic books or other media would you associate with Blackmoor.
or suggest somebody to get a feeling for the setting?

We have Silverberg's "Tower of Glass", and van Vogt's "The Voyage of the Space Beagle", obviously,
and "The Lord of the Rings", but apart from that, what would you suggest?

The idea would be to build a sort of appendix for BM fans, and more of a common base to discuss. Smile



Re: Blackmoor reading list - Havard - 01-15-2011

Great thread idea!

A couple of items:

Herbert, Frank: Dune
- Good inspiration for how I see the culture of the Peshwah. The Fremen's view of the Shai-Hulud as the manifestations of God, could well be replaced by the Peshwah view of dragons...

Howard, Robert E: Conan (Any):
- For things like Marfeldt the Barbarian, Duchy of the Peaks, and Howard's take on the Cthulhu Myth for various dark elements hiding in Blackmoor's Shadows. Tower of the Elephant for sci fi links.

Ashton Smith, Clark (Any):
- For the fantasy take on the Cthulhu Mythos (Egg of Coot etc) and any story with Tsaothoggua in particular for the Order of the Frog.

Mignola, Mike: Hellboy
- Has lots and lots of really nasty frog creatures, Cthulhoid demons etc

Mignola, Mike: BPRD
- As with Hellboy.

Claremont, Chris: Uncanny X-Men #116
-To Save the Savage Land. Or really any Marvel Comic dealing with the Savage Land. Pteranodon Riders, dinosaurs, Savages etc.

Van Jensen, Jean & Rosiński, Grzegorz:
-Thorgal the Barbarian - Good example of combination of Norse Mythology Atlantean myths and science fiction.


Re: Blackmoor reading list - aldarron - 01-15-2011

The Gor books (first three) were obviously influential as was Robert adams Horseclan novels.

Bram Stokers Dracula would be another although maybe indirectly through horror movie adaptations.

Anything Star Trek TOS.

prolly more will come to mind.....

Re: Blackmoor reading list - Rafael - 01-16-2011

Havard Wrote:Great thread idea!

A couple of items:

Herbert, Frank: Dune
- Good inspiration for how I see the culture of the Peshwah. The Fremen's view of the Shai-Hulud as the manifestations of God, could well be replaced by the Peshwah view of dragons...

Howard, Robert E: Conan (Any):
- For things like Marfeldt the Barbarian, Duchy of the Peaks, and Howard's take on the Cthulhu Myth for various dark elements hiding in Blackmoor's Shadows. Tower of the Elephant for sci fi links.

Ashton Smith, Clark (Any):
- For the fantasy take on the Cthulhu Mythos (Egg of Coot etc) and any story with Tsaothoggua in particular for the Order of the Frog.

Mignola, Mike: Hellboy
- Has lots and lots of really nasty frog creatures, Cthulhoid demons etc

Mignola, Mike: BPRD
- As with Hellboy.

Claremont, Chris: Uncanny X-Men #116
-To Save the Savage Land. Or really any Marvel Comic dealing with the Savage Land. Pteranodon Riders, dinosaurs, Savages etc.

Van Jensen, Jean & Rosiński, Grzegorz:
-Thorgal the Barbarian - Good example of combination of Norse Mythology Atlantean myths and science fiction.


That IS a nice list! Smile

...Though I am - at first - just looking for what Mr Arneson might have liked, not so much what we use today. Smile

Re: Blackmoor reading list - Rafael - 01-16-2011

Aldarron Wrote:Bram Stokers Dracula would be another although maybe indirectly through horror movie adaptations.

Confusedhock: Really? Why?

Re: Blackmoor reading list - Havard - 01-16-2011

Rafael Wrote:That IS a nice list! Smile

...Though I am - at first - just looking for what Mr Arneson might have liked, not so much what we use today. Smile

Aha! In that case Aldarron's list is better. In the Original post, you asked for works that we would associate with Blackmoor, so that is what threw me off.

Frank Herbert, Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E Howard still stand of course.

Poul Anderson for sure.

B Horror Movies like the Blob.

HP Lovecraft


Re: Blackmoor reading list - Rafael - 01-16-2011

And which works in concrete? Smile

Also, I would like to emphasize the fact that nearly every single settlement on the Blackmoor map is named after some kind of beverage. Smile

Re: Blackmoor reading list - gsvenson - 01-16-2011

In addition to the obvious (Hobbit/Lord of the Rings), Conan, Gor, Dune, Poul Anderson, Faferd and and Grey Mouser (don't remember the author) and HP Lovecroft were read by most of the group at one point or another. We all were familiar with the classics, too, of course. I think that we all read lots of sci fi, fantasy and history.

Re: Blackmoor reading list - Havard - 01-16-2011

gsvenson Wrote:In addition to the obvious (Hobbit/Lord of the Rings), Conan, Gor, Dune, Poul Anderson, Faferd and and Grey Mouser (don't remember the author) and HP Lovecroft were read by most of the group at one point or another. We all were familiar with the classics, too, of course. I think that we all read lots of sci fi, fantasy and history.

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser were created by Fritz Leiber (Lankhmar).

Good point about classics and history. There are numerous references to Greek mythology in the FFC as well as historical battle fields/cities etc, being one indication to how these sources influenced Arneson.


Re: Blackmoor reading list - Rafael - 01-17-2011

Smile My initial idea was to pinpoint ore or less ten titles and make a list with some short explanations of the why and how.

Horseclan novels - pretty obvious.

Beagle - pretty obvious.

But Dune and Lankhmar, or Lovecraft? - Which stories in concrete would you say had an impact on Blackmoor?

Sorry for the sketchiness; I hope it is understandable what I want to try. Smile