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So, what's the state of your BM game? - Printable Version

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So, what's the state of your BM game? - Rafael - 02-27-2018

Hey, all!

Myself, I have not run a game in the Northern Marches since at least 2014, but whenever I get the chance to read through one of the MMRPG episodes Havard is re-releasing through the CBI, I find my fingers itching to pick up the old books again. (I presently have no real plans for it, though, because just now I am having the great luck to run a campaign in "Thieves' World" - which had always been a dream of mine; if you follow my posts here, you might know that I have always been a big fan of especially the classic the book series. :wink: )

...So, I wondered, how have you other guys been faring - in some cases, for the last few years? Do you still actively play in Blackmoor? And if so, what do your games look like in this terribly cold February of '18? Smile

Happy to spend this morning reading up on how the CBI has been doing as of late,

Your old friend Rafe

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - Yaztromo - 02-27-2018

On the last 1st of October I started what I thought was a quick one-off Blackmoor game (on Roleplay on line) after long time I stayed away from on line gaming.
It was meant to be a quick homage to DA and I picked up a Zeitgeist MMRPG module, but I used simpler Advanced Fighting Fantasy ruleset, that proved to fit quite brillintly, including specific mechanics for Foci that are native for AFF but manage Foci nicely. House rules required were really very few.

Despite my rust at GM-ing, the players did they bit really well and, at the end, they asked for more. I really appreciated how well they played (years before I abandoned on line gaming because I didn't like how the other people in my games was playing) and I decided to run another Zeitgeist module. Eventually I re-worked the rules of the game with a bigger scope and turned it into a full fledged campaign with several players (progressively, more joined and so far I feel very lucky about the vast majority of people that joined) and more than one adventure running at the same time, with different groups and players that can have different characters in different groups.
Keeping up with this on a daily basis (apart from when I was on holiday!) is becoming a fair challenge! If the thingy keeps growing I may have to look for a co-GM...

All of this was so unexpected!

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - RobJN - 03-01-2018

Yaztromo Wrote:Keeping up with this on a daily basis (apart from when I was on holiday!) is becoming a fair challenge! If the thingy keeps growing I may have to look for a co-GM...

All of this was so unexpected!

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - Rafael - 03-01-2018

Hehe, indeed, very nice to hear that, Yaz! - Spontaneous games like that have become the rarest of treats; in college, this used to be what roleplaying WAS - to gather a few friends, then simply look where things would go. One of the things I lament about my venerable age, and about the way the hobby seems to be developing, in general, is that this sort of lightheartedness has gone away. Big Grin

Long may your group last, then! Smile

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - Yaztromo - 03-01-2018

I've been told that having various groups adventuring at the same time in different locations of the same world can be called, rather than just a campaign, a living world.... something such as: living Blackmoor...

Well... long live Blackmoor, then! Wink

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - aldarron - 03-08-2018

The boys are still mucking about in the Great Swamp. At the moment, they are exploring a small dungeon being used as a base by undead WWII Japanese submariners. Fortunately for them, the submarine and most of the crew aren't home at the moment.....

We meet monthly, which is about all we can manage between jobs and kids.

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - Yaztromo - 03-08-2018

I'm currently running in parallel three adventures with three groups: Toes that bind, A night out under the stars and The Unwanted, all Zeitgeist adventures... Wink

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - Rafael - 03-16-2018

Hehe, that's beautiful. Myself, I also only get to game, what, once per month, at max. - It'd be nice if things were differently, but alas, I guess this is how we all grow old, I guess. - Tomorrow is another occasion, by the way, but I guess we'll settle for the Dungeon Saga board game instead of advancing the campaign - for no other reason than we want to try that one, at least once.

'"Ties That Bind" - easily one of my favorite BM adventures; too bad Jeffrey Quinn never really followed up to that one. If you remember the LFC, I think the character Kalen came from TTB, and I liked him so much that he wound up accompanying our group up until Marban. Smile

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - Yaztromo - 03-16-2018

Due probably to the structure of MMRPG, most adventures are based in a single location, with not much travelling around, but Ties that bind allow you to move around quite a bit and this is another plus for this adventure.

Re: So, what's the state of your BM game? - Rafael - 03-16-2018

Yeah, it was a pretty ideal intro adventure, because it allowed you to show the group around a bit. I think that's the hardest parts with new settings: To show the players what the world is really like, and not just to move around in baby steps. Smile