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Lexicon game?!? - Printable Version

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Lexicon game?!? - Yaztromo - 04-04-2013

hello ladies and gentlemen,

I just found this by chance and I thought it could be interesting for you as well, knowing the kind of people that usually can be found around here...

What do you think???

Can it be perhaps used to connect the dots of Blackmoor world (adding more pages, possibly...)?

Re: Lexicon game?!? - Havard - 04-18-2013


I am not familiar with the game, outisde what I read in the wikipedia article, but it does sound like fun Smile

Do you have more specific ideas on how it would work?


Re: Lexicon game?!? - Yaztromo - 04-18-2013

No more than you read, but I thought we can use it to generate Blackmoor ideas and scenarios... :wink: