The Comeback Inn
Dave Arneson Memorial Event (St. Paul, Minnesota) - Printable Version

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- chirine ba kal - 03-07-2010

Tavis Wrote:I'd love to do something similar for next year's Arneson gameday in NYC but I lack both Tekumel and naval miniatures. Any suggestions?

Do what Dave would have done:

Fake It.

Seriously; let's never lose sight of the fact that the original 'rust monster' was a plastic toy that Dave got in a set of equally cheap plastic dinosaurs, and it's lasted for how long? You can still buy a copy of Dave's original Blackmoor Castle, too; it's an N scale model kit made by Kibri in Germany, their "Branzoll Castle" catalog number 7304. He used it for years to show people what the place looked like.

There's a great artist over on the Tekumel Yahoo Group who's done paper miniatures for Tekumel; their website is:

You can find all sorts of useful people, non-humans, animals, and other things there, and they are easy to print out and assemble. As for ships, we used the old "Sea Steeds and Wave Riders" set of deck plans mounted on foam-core board for years, and these are still handy to have. (I would think you can get downloadable deck plans from sites like DriveThruRPG, too.) I used to draw a lot of the deck plans we needed for games, and I can print off some of those for you. These paper miniatures are the simplest way to do something like this; they're easy to transport, being both light and mostly flat, and they stand up well to the abuse of game play.

Full 'three-dimensional' miniatures are nice, but they do take up lots of room; I have photos of our game in honor of Dave last year, at:

and you can see our collection of resin castings and scratch-built boats in action on the river. The figures are from a variety of sources, and you could use just about anything you have to hand; the important thing is playing the game and having fun, which is what Dave and the original Blackmoor crew were all about.

Please feel free to e-mail me if we can help you out!

yours, Chirine

- Tavis - 03-07-2010

Havard Wrote:Maybe next year you guys could coordinate things so that everything takes place on the same day?

But then someone who was flying in from, say, Norway would have to choose between them! This way you can do both Smile

- Havard - 03-07-2010

Tavis Wrote:But then someone who was flying in from, say, Norway would have to choose between them! This way you can do both Smile

Good point, Tavis! Maybe next year then! Smile


- aldarron - 03-08-2010

Well, if some folks wanted to attend both, particularly random Scandahar.. er Scandinavians, it might make sense to schedule the games one weekend after the other.

- Havard - 03-08-2010

Aldarron Wrote:Well, if some folks wanted to attend both, particularly random Scandahar.. er Scandinavians, it might make sense to schedule the games one weekend after the other.

*chuckle* Smile
It would be great if the entire Comeback Inn crowd was able to gather some day Smile


- aldarron - 03-08-2010

Cool. Barbeque at my house. Ill rent tents and you can camp out. How does August sound?

- chirine ba kal - 03-26-2010


The poster for this event, done by our own talented Mr. Maggi, is now up on Photobucket at:

Please feel free to copy it and put it up wherever you think it might be useful!

yours, Chirine

- Havard - 03-26-2010

Cool, Chirine! I have forwarded it to my blog: ... oster.html


- chirine ba kal - 04-04-2010

One week to game time! Most of the ships are now rigged, and I'm detailing Harchar's ship and the Hlyss nest-ship. It'll be busy, but I think it'll be all right on the day...

yours, Chirine

- Havard - 04-07-2010

I am excited! Looking forward to hearing reports! Smile
