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Off to play in a D&D game today, set in Blackmoor... - Printable Version

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Re: Off to play in a D&D game today, set in Blackmoor... - chirine ba kal - 11-19-2017

Yaztromo Wrote:
chirine ba kal Wrote:I run into the same issues when talking about Phil's style of game play with 'modern' gamers; they often have issues with the idea that he did not - like Dave also did not - play by 'the letter of the rules' and instead played by the spirit of them.
I have the same problems, but it is OK: everybody is entitled to play to the style they prefer. I get way too bored at games run by rules lawyers and they feel insulted at games run the way I prefer.
I can live with this.

Agreed; play the way you what to, and how the group wants to. My issue with this guy was being told that I was "dragging down the party by not knowing the rules" - I don't own any of the books, nor do I have any of the computer apps that he was using to run his PC - and meeting his standards of play. No problem; I have lots of other things I can be doing of a Sunday afternoon and evening. I was surprised that the GM felt that an apology was needed, but I gather that this particular player has been a similar problem in other groups and has been cautioned several times about his behavior. I'm just trying to stay away from the unhappiness, myself...

Re: Off to play in a D&D game today, set in Blackmoor... - Zeromaru X - 12-04-2017

As a newcomer to Blackmoor (I just learn about the setting two years ago, reading Havard's blog; and I play in its 4th edition incarnation), I like to read the experiences of people who had the opportunity to play with Dave Arnesson. So, this topic is really interesting to me.

And I'm interested in those earlier maps, as well Big Grin

Re: Off to play in a D&D game today, set in Blackmoor... - chirine ba kal - 12-07-2017

Zeromaru X Wrote:As a newcomer to Blackmoor (I just learn about the setting two years ago, reading Havard's blog; and I play in its 4th edition incarnation), I like to read the experiences of people who had the opportunity to play with Dave Arnesson. So, this topic is really interesting to me.

And I'm interested in those earlier maps, as well Big Grin

Welcome aboard! Lots of good people here, who can answer your questions. Maps are available on line, and I'm sure you can get pointers from our kind hosts! Smile