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Blackmoor Maps - Printable Version

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Blackmoor Maps - Dave L - 04-03-2010

I asked a question over at the Piazza about the original 1977 FFC map, as I wanted to try and recreate it in a computerised form.

If you'd like to see the results, you can view them here:

Piazza thread

My next project, which is nearing completion, is a copy of the map from DA1 - Adventures In Blackmooor.

I'd appreciate any feedback, especially if you spot any mistakes!

At some point I might try the 3.5e map, but that will be a while off yet.

- Havard - 04-04-2010

This map is awesome! 8)


- Dave L - 04-04-2010

The DA1 map is up - you can find the thread here.

Any help in checking all the text labels are in place would be appreciated. Smile

- Havard - 04-05-2010

Made this, blog entry of the day: ... x-map.html


- Dave L - 04-05-2010

Thanks for the mention - the whole point for me of making the maps is so people can use them, plus of course the satisfaction I get from seeing the finished map! Smile

And here's the next one - the map from DA3 is up for error checking in this thread at the Piazza.

- Dave L - 04-05-2010


Due to EITHER my falling into a time-warp, OR totally major suckage on the part of map designers for a certain games company ... the map for DA4 can be viewed and downloaded here.

Fortunately I bought my copies of DA1 and DA4 as pdf's, quite cheaply.

I suppose the true worth of the modules is in the content, not the maps, but given my particular interest in the maps, I would have felt really cheated on opening the DA4 module and finding the map was EXACTLY the same as DA1 - no new areas, just a few forts and a name for a previously un-named swamp.

I mean, it took me almost as long to minutely check the maps against each other as it did to make the changes!

It's nearly 1am here, and I really don't have the energy to continue my rant - probably just as well! Smile

I hope you enjoy this series of maps - finished ahead of schedule because of unforeseen circumstances, but at least my wife will be happy! :wink:

- Rafael - 04-05-2010

Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock:

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


- Dave L - 04-06-2010

As the series finished ahead of schedule, I decide to go for one last try - you can view my combined DA1/3/4 map here.

The fit was quite good actually, a few fairly minor adjustments, and anyone who wants to run the DA modules can now see how the maps all fit together.

Enjoy! Smile

- Rafael - 04-06-2010

Can I use this as a base for the Maiden's Blackmoor Map?

Looks amazing!!!

With which program did you do it?

Havard, we must fine this fine fellow a custom title and a Fellowship avatar!!!

- Rafael - 04-06-2010

Besides, I think I will print that one out in poster size.

Dave, I have no clue who you are, but you have no idea how much you have done for me with that!

Thanks from all my heart! Big Grin