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 Post subject: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 10, 2011 11:33 pm 
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Ugh. I thought I'd take a stab at mergining some of the ideas regarding the Wizards Cabal and so forth with the timelines out there, particularly Mr. Ross outstanding work. Figured it would take me a few hours, since its clear Dustin et. al. used Ross’s timeline when they wrote TWC timeline. Ha! It's turned into a major project. And is NO WHERE NEAR completion particularly with references. But I figured its a good time for feedback/hey that can't be right kind of comments.

Basically I'm working on the assumption that the TWC history is propaganda, but broadly correct, except about the date of the Mage Wars - "scribal error" as we have discussed.

I'm also adding in info not available when Mr. Ross did his, and the focus is on an FFC style Blackmoor. So I tried to peg campagn years to real years where I had the info.

Also, I think Ross is wrong in one key interpretation. In the "Blackmoor Castles History" section the first paragraph describes periodic barbarian invasions that have been occurring since before the time of Robert the Ist. One such is called the “Great Benn Hassock invasion during Pissaic’s time. The second paragraph describes a later invasion in which “barbarians” are let into the castle in an act of treachery by the newly appointed Baron “the weasel”. Treachery accomplished the Weasel flees to “the Land of the Benn Hassocks”. Taken together, it seems almost certain that the Ben Hassocks and the Barbarians are one and the same. Perhaps the Benn Hassocks are the leading tribe.

What trips Ross up is the phrase "second coot invasion, some 40 years ago", used to describe this invasion. Ross dismisses this date as impossible for the coot invasion, and everybody agrees.

The problem is that he just assumes it’s the date that’s in error. However, “some 40 years ago” can hardly be a typo, but “Coot” on the other hand, could very well be the mistake. I believe it makes more sense in context to assume Arneson meant to say Second Great Benn Hassock invasion and that it’s the “coot” bit that’s wrong, not the 40 years ago. In fact its easy to see why the slip up occurs. In the Ben Hassock incident, The Weasel allows a 10 “Barbarian” delegation into the castle who then execute a surprise attack in the Black Hall. A few paragraphs later we are told how The Weasel turns traitor to the Egg , in what must be the First (not Second) invasion. He meets with a single representative of the Egg of Coot in the library who later kills all the servants the Weasel sends there. I realize these two different stories once could have been the same thing in Dave’s mind and he might have seen the Ben Hassocks as servants of the Egg, but, going by the text, it makes more sense to keep them separate incidents in separate invasions. That changes a number of things in Ross’s version, and makes more sense of some others I think.

The other odd thing that Ross does regarding the "50 years ago" and "some 40 years" that appear in the section mentioned above is that he measures them from the end date of the DA series - 1025, or later. Ra-All first builds his hall "50 Years ago" and Weasels treachery is "some 40 years ago". Ross dates the founding of the hall at 985, placing the "present" in 1035 but he adds the cryptic note that 40 years ago is ten years before the first Coot invasion, placing the present in 1025!

Ugh again.

The FFC was written in 1976, but has material that dates to 1971. The "present" when the FFC was written was therefor circa 1000 on the Blackmoor calender. I went with 1001 minus 50.

- Anyway, here goes: (Italics indicate non Canon material)


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Last edited by Aldarron on Mar 14, 2011 12:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 11, 2011 6:02 am 
Lord of the Regency Council
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 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 11, 2011 9:02 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 11, 2011 2:21 pm 
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Regarding the crash of the Beagle date, I just guessded that 25 years seemed about right. Stephen had to build the temple and environs and that had to have taken a year or two or more. It seems like it wasn't a "recent" event so a period of 20 - 25 years seemed approximately right. Could be more or less easily enough. Interestingly, if the crash was 30 years prior it would correspond to the first siteing of the Egg of Coot - an idea proposed some time ago by one LordTarrant here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=243

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Last edited by Aldarron on Mar 25, 2011 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 13, 2011 9:52 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 14, 2011 4:22 am 
Le Noir Faineant
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:) I would comment in length, but then again, I already wrote my personal (almost) definite BM timeline.
You might want to check it out for some of the differences between your and my approach.

 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 14, 2011 12:04 pm 
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Following on some of the comments, I'm deleting the timeline above (post was too long anyhow) and posting a revision here. Italics represent non canon derived material.

Blackmoor’s native population includes elves, dwarves, ents, orcs and hobbits. (FFC, DA1:4)

The kingdom of the Elves stretches across the North, from the foothills of the Goblins Kush in the west to the Barbarian hills of Rhun in the east. (PG:197)

- 800 Construction of the great tower of shining blue glass in the Valley of the ancients (4eTFC:192, true date unknown)

- 800 A people calling themselves the Picts begin settling within the borders of the Elven Kingdom. The Picts are a freshwater based culture who build their settlements on islands within the rivers and swamps. (FFC 80: 86, Havard- Arneson letter) Initially, the Picts rely on bronze technologies, are highly superstitious and follow the leadership of religious leaders called wokan. (DoCBM:7 – The history of Callas Anethenitos. the earlier parts of which are considered largely apocryphal by most authorities)

-126 Founding of a trading post at Maus. (4eTFC:167, date approximate)

<0 - Founding of the Great Empire by Robert I, King of all Geneva. (FFC80:21)

3 - Conquest and settlement by Robert I. He builds a castle on Dragonsrock named Blackmoor Castle (FFC80:17 ) and a fortification at Glendower (Rampart#10, presumed date) (Note: Dragon Rock probably was meant to refer to Serpent Rock island in Blackmoor bay, but I choose to read “Dragon Rock, the hill where Black.moor Castle itself stands,” as one thought.)

4 – Marshall Unguul made Duke of Glendower and King of the Northern Marches.

399 - Founding of Red Coven and Duchy of the Peaks. (approximate)

460 – Construction of the Temple of the Id. (FFC80:18, date approximate)

499 Aldarron’s Age of Id SWA campaign.

500 – Destruction of Temple of Id. (FFC80:18) Evil wizard imprisoned in The Wizard’s Pit. (FFC80:21) Uberstar establishes the Great Mines (DA1:63) Split of Elves into Cumasti and Westryn (Havard)

600 – First Great Ben Hassock Invasion. Pissaic leads the defense. Invasion turned back at Blackmoor castle. (FFC80:21)

666 - Vimhula/Zugzul opens a gate between Tekumel and a remote valley in the Goblin Kush, allowing the remaining Nom of Afrid to escape destruction. (455 in age of Id-not canon) Date approximate (4eTFC:225 “survived for centuries in these cold mountains.”)

780 - Kargas Dolunt recognizes special magical properties to the land itself in the Northern Marches. He seeks for ways to tap into that magic. (TWC:4,5)

798 - Kargas Dolunt discovers a distillation process capturing the powerful essence and unique magical properties of Superberries, which grow on a tree found only in the Northern Marches. (process described in FFC80:19) He makes his discovery widely known. (TWC:4,5)

800-15 - Influx of Wizards, drawn to the magical nature of the land and the promise of the newly discovered power of Superberries. They quickly begin carving out territories and staking claims. Fearing an invasion of non loyal foreign mages, the Emperor issues a call for imperial wizards to settle in the Northern Marches.
"(The Wizards Cabal, p4-5)

815 – 890 - “Mage Lord”, Mage Wars period – within a few years, the Magic Users begin to consolidate political power and fight each other. Warfare between the groups is continuous and devastates the country. 4 major factions form. (TWC:6) Much of the population decimated or flees to safer regions. (4eTFC:126,128)
Two of the factions are led by Elf Mage spell casters (Vadaley and Raddan), two by conventional wizards. Vadaley is backed by Uhlmar, king of the elves. Raddan eliminates last of the old imperial dukes and controls Blackmoor Castle. Although acting largely independently, Raddan adopts the title duke of Blackmoor and pays lip service to the empire.

875 - Order of the Frog arises at Vestfold. Driven into Frog Swamp soon after. (DA2:9 “Maybe 150 years ago”, present in DA2 is year 1025)

885 – Founding of Quincke’s Brigagde – populist wizards opposed to the any wizard/magic user authorities. (BPG:176)

886 – Skelfer Ard invents the spell focus using gemstones from the Northern Marches.

886-95 - Rise of a new faction led by Skelfer Ard, which defeats the others. Ard and allies are effectively in control of the Northern Marches. (TWC:9)

900 – Skelfer Ard re-establishes strong political ties to the empire. The emperor grants him sweeping powers to establish and lead the Wizards Cabal. (TWC:11,12) The old dukedoms are replaced by multiple baronies. Puppet baronial seats are created for Imperial ambassadors who function primarily as bureaucrats while real power remains in the hands of the Cabal. Calvin Andahar granted the Barony of Blackmoor.

900-927 - Baron Calvin Andahar

896-997 Suppression of the Elves. Although “peace” with the "sorcerous" Elfin mages had been achieved at the end of the mage wars, tensions remained high. The Cabal declares all Elfin Magic corrupt sorcery with death to any known practitioner. Elves retreat to their forests.

898 - Founding of the Eldritch Underground, led by the Witch of the Fane – rumored to be the granddaughter of Skelfer Ard. (PG:181,182)

908 – Destruction of Eldritch Underground hideout in a battle with the Cabal. Underground scattered but victorious. Founding of the sworn of Angville by Angville the Chaotic of the Eldritch Underground. The sworn of Angville dedicate themselves to the destruction of the Cabal. (PG:182)

910 – Founding of Wizards training school in Vestfold. (TWC:12) Some consider this the "official" start of the Cabal. (4eTFC148)

925 The city of Starmorgan founded in the Duchy of Ten. (DA3:27,4eTFC148) Menander Ithamis becomes lord of Ringlo Hall. (DA1:54)

927-935 - Alfred Andahar becomes baron of Blackmoor.

935 – Founding of the Monastery of the Order of Mystics near the entrance to the Valley of the Ancients. (PG:212)

935-951 - Balfred “the Bald” Andahar becomes baron of Blackmoor.

951 - Ra-All “the Wise” Andahar becomes Baron of Blackmoor and builds the Black Hall of Blackmoor Castle.(FFC80:21 “50 years ago”)

961 Ra-All made King of the Northern Marches and Earl of Vestfold by the emperor. Second Great Benn Hassock Invasion. Baron Weasel makes secret pact with Benn Hassocks. Blackmoor Castle besieged. Weasel meets with Benn Hassocks on a “Peace” mission while a Benn Hassock “security” delegation (actually a crack invasion team) enters Blackmoor Castle. Castle falls. Weasel “captured” and held “Prisoner” in the land of the Benn Hassocks. (FFC80:21) (Note: “second coot invasion” is clearly a mistake in both context of the paragraph and date. "Coot" should be Ben Hassock here).

962 Alvarez made Baron of Blackmoor. (Assumed Date)

970 – First contact with Coot. (TWC:15) Crash of the HMS Beagle on the Plains of Hak, near the Valley of the Ancients. (Robilar in the City of the Gods.) Beagle security officer Stephen and several others mutiny and flee northwest. They discover a village hidden in a swamp with a handful of priests who believe humans must become amphibians to achieve perfection. Stephen co-opts the faith and begins construction of a new Temple of the Frog. (date estimate based on account of Stephen Rocheford and speculation of LordTarrant, Zeitgeist forum)

985 Alvarez killed in barbarian raid. (TWC:16, FFC80:21) Baron Wesely "Weasel", having arranged the death of Alvarez, returns and reclaims his title as Baron of Blackmoor. He has amassed a great deal of wealth for his treacheries. (FFC places Weasel directly before Fant)

991 - The Ran of Ah Foo, a servant of the Egg of Coot, proves to be superior to the Egg at producing effective magic. Enraged, the Egg attemts to have him killed. The Ran flees to the Duchy of The Peaks where he becomes the magistrate of Ten. He, builds a new capital in the Vale of Glenfinian. (FFC80:12, approximate date )

993 (1969 AD) - A young peasant named Fredigar Cripps is remarkably lucky while adventuring, winning a huge fortune. He uses the money to begin construction of “The Comeback Inn”. (DA1:7) (The Inn is present on Arneson’s first map, and Cripps is middle aged in 1025 – DA1:34)

994 (1970 AD) - Baron Wesely orders an expedition into Blackmoor dungeon. Man at Arms Svenson is sole survivor. He delivers the magic sword “Red” to the Baron. (from G. Svenson story and sword description in FFC80:44). Marfeldt the Barabarian kills his creator and trainers and becomes a mercenary in the service of the Duke of Rhun. In a very short period he manages to become chief Marshal of Rhuns armies and leads them in a successbul war with Fenstein, Faraaz and Yerocunby and initiates several attacks against Great Empire. Rhun suffers heavy casualties. Disgusted at what Marfeldt considers unjust treatment by the Duke of Rhun, he abandons his post and heads south into the Great Empire. (FFC80:15,16)

995 (1971 AD) - The empire sends an army into Rhun and occupies the country in response to Marfeldts incursions. Meanwhile, Marfeldt causes disention and rebellion in several provinces. (FFC80:15) The Northern Marches experience the First invasion by the Egg of Coot. (TWC:16) Captain Krey sells out to the Egg’s lieutenant Soukup. (FFC80:17) Baron Wesely “the Weasel” turns traitor for a second time, inviting the chief defenders of the castle into the library one by one where the agent of the Egg kills them. Blackmoor town burned and castle heavily damaged in the invasion, requiring massive repair. (4eTFC148, Bob Meyer, Zeitgeistgames forum). Ultimately the invasion fails. Fate of Weasel unknown. Many adventures in Blackmoor dungeon. Fant is granted Blackmoor Barony. The bandit Jenkins is also made a Baron, over “the northern most (sic) march … which rests on the actual frontier with the Egg of Coot”. Marriage between Fant and Jenkins clans. A group of renegade wizards attempt to establish several baronies in the northern fens. William of the Heath leads a party of adventurers against them and defeats the wizards. (TWC:17) Birth of Iyx, heir to the Great Kingdom. (Havard, Blackmoor Forum)

996 (1972) - Cabal decides a three person council is the fastest way to coordinate a martial defense for the next Coot invasion. Svenson builds first stronghold. Mello builds his house. Willem of the Heath picks up armor and weaponry from 12th level of Blackmoor Dungeon, becomes Blue Rider. (Svenson, Zeitgeistgames forum) Battle against two towers of wizardry, giant vultures in “six hills” of Wolf’s Head Pass, magical darkness, probably undead. Svenny, Bishop Carr, Blue Rider, and Mello build Freehold to guard said Pass. Pete becomes Wizard of the Wood. (Ross) Crash of Avian spaceship on Blackmoor. (Svenson, Blackmoor forum)

997 (1973 AD) - 2nd Coot invasion. Great War. Combined Coot, and Tenian forces attack Blackmoor. Wizards Cabal defeated and scattered. (TWC:17,18) Blackmoor Castle conquered and ruled by King Funk I. Fant becomes Vampire. Svenson stronghold destroyed. Gertie the Dragon killed defending Blackmoor town. Funk builds Orchian way. Blackmoor barons and heros rally, form alliance with Skhandaharians, Elves and Dwarves. (Havard on Morkook, Ross) Svenny builds “a city, called Tonisborg, complete with a dungeon and a network of catacombs.”(Odd74, Svenson) Elves and Barons defeat Coot forces and free Blackmoor. Blackmoor fief controlled by Elves. The dungeon entrance into the basement of the castle sealed. Parties permitted to enter through a door opened temporarily and heavily guarded. (Svenson, Wayfarer forum) Council of three becomes Regency council (Ra-all, Menander, Uberstar Khazakhum) rule Blackmoor. Svenson and other Heroes formerly loyal to Cabal forces are exiled to Lake Gloomy and lands south. (FFC)

998 (1974 AD) – Heroes Explore swamps in search of Frog Cultists. (Svenson and Rocheford) Temple of the Frog found and raided. Some key cultists escape. Last of Eggs forces defeated and Victory declared. (TWC:18) Tenian Nomads and allies from the Plains of Hak attack new territories in the south (Province 1). Attack defeated by the Heroes. Peasant revolt in Monson. Monson falls, Nelson badly hurt, but the revolt is crushed by “all the others” (which includes Svenny…). Expedition to City of the Gods. Pete Gaylord (Wizard of the Wood) and Nelson perish. Both realms “go evil”. Expedition to city of Father Dragon. They drop a rock on the evil device, freeing dragons from enchanted sleep. Both Sniders are killed. Richard’s son succeeds him, but John’s holdings are covered in deadly yellow mist. Dan Nicholson organizes Minions of the Merchant. Svenny, Mello the Halfling, Blue Rider form an almost-rival real estate cartel. Marfeldt loots the Merchants’ Guild of Maus. (Ross)

999 (1975 AD) – Coot creates a seismic phenomena causing much of the northern marches and elven forests to flood, turning his kingdom from a peninsula into an island. Great barrier Swamp forms separating The Duchy of the Peaks from the Duchy of Ten, flooding much of the Eastern Karsh and forcing the Benn Hassock to retreat to the Gargoyle Hills. Remnants of Cabal plot a return to power.

1000 (1976 AD)– Having distinguished themselves in the establishment of new baronies, the exile of the heroes is ended. Svenny leads a party of adventurers into Blackmoor dungeon in an effort to begin clearing it. . (1976 Gen con Report). Zvenzen stronghold rebuilt as Freehold. (FFC) Afridhi attack the Vales. (TWC:18) Iyx becomes Emperor of the Great Kingdom.

1001(1977 AD) Judges guild publishes First Fantasy Campaign. Sildonis cleans out “Pete’s Place”, becomes new Wizard of the Wood after several others fail at the attmept. (Ross, must post date writing of FFC,1980:19) Death of Ra-all the wise. Bakula, son of Ra-all Becomes King of the Northern Marches and, in an act of solidarity, eschews the title of earl, styling himself Baron of Vestfold instead. Famoulsy, he quotes one of his fathers’ aphorisms; “We are all equals in adversity”.

1004 - X Andahar, younger brother of Bakula and one of the last known Andahars, appointed Baron of Blackmoor by the Council. (DA1:4). He divides his time between a manor house near Blackmoor town and Vestfold.

1005 Afridhi reach ten and threaten her boarder. A Skandaharrian army invades northern Blackmoor, Baron X of Blackmoor gathers an army to deal with them. He leads an advance force to scout out the enemy while leaving the main body of troops under the command of his son Uther. In a surprise move, the Ran of Ah Foo pulls his reserve forces away from defending against the Afridhi and gambles all by launching an attack against Blackmoor. On the same morning, scouts report baron X is caught in an ambush by the Skandarrians. Uther is caught between marching to his father’s rescue or meeting the much larger Tenian force. He chooses the latter and narrowly defeats Ran’s armies with some brilliant maneuvering at the battle of Lake Berne. (DA1:4, 4eCS) Founding of the Scroll and Blade Society - an elite mercenary troop of fighter Magic Users (DPG:178)

1006 (1981 AD) - Afridhi attack Ten

1008 (1983 AD) – Third Coot invasion - Uther Andahar is given the task assembling an army for a strike against the Afridhi. (TWC) Andahar has close blood ties to both regent Bakula and regent Menander. The Egg of Coot launches what it hopes will be a swift surprise attack. General Andahar learns of the invasion and marches his half prepared army to intercept the foe. Eggs forces are caught and driven back. The Council of Regents appoints Uther Andahar Baron of Blackmoor and charges him with clearing the castle of monsters. Fant, (sir Fang)of course, does not recognize the loss of his title.

1010 (1985 AD) – Events of Garbage Pits of Despair

1013 - Afridhi conquer Ten. Ran of Ah Foo commits suicide. . Uther’s title raised to Duke of Blackmoor. Duke Uther’s efforts to clear Blackmoor dungeon suffer a severe reverse as undead overrun the guards stationed on level 2. The Duke orders the dungeon sealed. (DoCBM). Bakula, dies. Uther takes Bakula’s place on the Regency Council. He is proclaimed King and Co-regent. (TWC)

1014 - Uther declares independence from the Great Kingdom. (TWC)

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Last edited by Aldarron on Mar 26, 2011 12:08 pm, edited 8 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 16, 2011 9:13 am 
Lord of the Regency Council
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 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 16, 2011 12:02 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor Timeline Project
PostPosted: Mar 16, 2011 12:24 pm 
Le Noir Faineant
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Dunno, Aldy, have you even cared to look into the LFC timeline?

The thing is, you will eventually end up with something like the one I did two years ago already,
just that it seems you need to rethink every single step I already did by then. :wink:

Of course, I made some game-related changes, but they were small compared to the overall work I put into pillaging all BM canon.

(LFC Events > LFC member ideas > DA Series > FFC > Havard's investigations outside of the LFC > Forum stuff > BM d20 series.)

">" meaning "more important than", in this case.

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