Thank you for posting this! I was talking about things like this with Malia, Dave's daughter, at the game event on Saturday, and she and the rest of the family are really touched that people still care about Dave. I hope that there's more of this in the future, and Dave's family is very happy to see this kind of thing being done. We talked about the efforts to get a statue of Gary up on Lake Geneva, and we all thought that it was something that Gary would have liked and would have approved of; he was, in our experience, that kind of guy.
And we all agreed that if somebody had suggested this idea to Dave, he would have laughed his head off and very kindly told you that you needed to go soak your head in a bucket of water as your brain was obviously overheating; statues in the town square seemed silly to him. I thought that running games for people to have fun with and at would be a more fitting tribute, and Malia agreed with me as she watched the mayhem and happiness unfold around the game table. We also talked about a Dave Arneson figure for people to have for games, and I'm going to see what I can do about that. Glasses, beard, and that Cheshire Cat grin; what more do you want in a wandering monster, eh?
"My Lord, they're calling you a 'peasant'! Are you offended?"
"Nope. When you're an Imperial Governor, you usually get called *much* worse things..."