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 Post subject: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 18, 2020 6:23 am 
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My players want a pirate adventure and I've chosen the new 5E Saltmarsh book.

My problem is that my last two mini-campaigns for 5E have taken place in Blackmoor (Saltmarsh is technically a Greyhawk adventure but they give advice for running it in the Forgotten Realms) and I would like to maintain some world consistency and keep all of these mini-campaigns in the same world.

So I'm having a brain cramp, perhaps, because I can't think of any locations in Blackmoor where pirates can be found. Is there a pirate hangout in Blackmoor?

Marv / Finarvyn
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 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 18, 2020 7:32 am 
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Maybe it's not exactly Blackmoor (it's the occupied Ten) and for sure it is not canon, but I turned Port Dacoit into a pirate hangout, where the Afridhi leave quite a lot of freedom to the locals (compared to the rest of the lands they conquered, but they keep their eyes wide open) as long as the good citizens of Port Dacoit keep their naval skills well polished and disturb Blackmoor ships (Afresh are not seafarers but they realise that this may be a factor in the war against Blackmoor).
In alternative, there may be pirates protected by the Egg, under the condition that they hand over to the Egg all magic users and magic objects.
There is also an option on the southern coast of Frisia (Bartertown, see: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9129) that can be a suitable base.
Perhaps the Iron Duke may decide to turn Erak into a base of privateers, hoping they will become a thorn in the side of the rebel Northern Marches...
If you definitely want the port to be based within the borders of Blackmoor, then maybe Jackport or Heronport (from the MMRPG lore) may be decent options, with some minor cover up from the authorities.

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 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 18, 2020 10:00 am 
Lord of the Regency Council
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There could be pirate hangouts in the swamps around Loch Gloomin. I also thought that the eastern coastal towns could harbor some secret pirates. Or pirates could just operate out of a secluded bay anywhere along the coast.


Baetho an Elf
The Vales campaign

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 18, 2020 10:57 am 
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Yaztromo's Port Dacoit sounds pretty much like what I want, but at the same time Greg has a great idea because my adventure that I'm wrapping up is the Temple of the Frog and the group is in the swamps near Loch Gloomin. Hmmm. Must ponder further.

Thanks for the ideas so far! 8)

Marv / Finarvyn
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 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 18, 2020 1:35 pm 
Lord of the Regency Council
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Sounds like an awesome idea for a campaign Finarvyn!

Saltmarsh seems perfect for adaptation to Blackmoor. It should be easy to incorporate some Sar-Aigu and Temple of the Frog elements to make the campaign feel more like Blackmoor.

I would second Yaz' recommendation for Port Dacoit or maybe Robinsport as ideal bases of operation.

I also think Jackport or Archlis could be worth considering, but those would take the group farther away from the Dismal Swamp and many other interesting Blackmoor locations that lend themselves perfectly towards including in a campaign like this.

Let us know how this develops!


Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 18, 2020 6:17 pm 
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What makes this board great is:

(1) So many folks willing to offer ideas and suggestions

(2) Everyone is so nice to one another.

Oh, and the fact that it's Blackmoor. 8)

Marv / Finarvyn
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 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 18, 2020 8:21 pm 
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Ever do something brilliant, totally by accident? I think I just did that by putting Saltmarsh and Blackmoor together.

The link? Sahuagin. See, the Sahuagin go back to Supplement II Blackmoor but I've never really used them. I don't do much with water creatures and never really took the time to read up about these guys, but the Sahuagin are really kind of neat. Now that I'm reading more about the Saltmarsh area and the old AD&D U-series modules, I'm finding out that Sahuagin are a big part of the adventures. Brilliant, totally by accident.

And I think I'm going to base the campaign around Port Dacoit. That will become my pirate stronghold. So that will be part of my hook. Pirates, haunted houses, and eventually this battle with aquatic baddies..

I feel like the pieces are starting to fall into place, and they will allow me to continue my group's campaign by progressing through the waters of Blackmoor. 8)

Marv / Finarvyn
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 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 19, 2020 12:25 am 
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If you go here http://www.pandius.com/starport.html and check out episode seven (Port Dacoit, city of thieves), you will find some practical ideas about running Port Dacoit as a pirate port, with all maps and detailed city descriptions. Hope it can help you.

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 Post subject: Re: Pirates of Blackmoor
PostPosted: Apr 19, 2020 4:15 am 
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By the way, why don't you let us know how your campaign progresses? You can write it all up here: viewforum.php?f=76

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