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 Post subject: Savage Worlds Blackmoor (split from: Blackmoor games!)
PostPosted: Jul 14, 2014 6:37 am 
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I was looking at Shaintar,Savage Worlds last night when I suddenly realized I had never thought of putting Blackmoor and Savage Worlds together!

Savage Worlds is a great rules lite-ish system that normally has pretty wacky mash up settings,Horror+Wild West,Super Hero+Fantasy but there is nothing to stop you from creating your own Blackmoor fantasy.

Anyone ever try this? I don't think I have even tried it with any type of fantasy before. Normally we play Deadlands reloaded or Deadlands Noir when we play Savage worlds.

Edit: Split from viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8206&p=30475#p30475

 Post subject: Re: Blackmoor games!
PostPosted: Jul 14, 2014 12:06 pm 
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Marv / Finarvyn
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 Post subject: Re: Savage Worlds Blackmoor (split from: Blackmoor games!)
PostPosted: Jul 14, 2014 3:10 pm 
Lord of the Regency Council
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I've been using Savage Worlds for my latest Blackmoor campaign, . I haven't done much real conversion work though; I have mainly just been winging it so far. I don't think I used anything from Shaintar though, possibly a couple of minor rules though I keep confusing Shaintar and Suzerain. I know I used the one rule about players being able to spend a Benny to activate the Berkserk Edge without provocation from one of those books.

I really like Savage Worlds, but my players are only so-so about it.

Finarvyn I agree with you that Savage Worlds isn't really rules light, but it is fairly easy to learn and quick to run. It does have a fair bit of crunch though, but I like this level of crunch, personally.

The game does have levels (sort of), but it is not class based, which I found refreshing for a change of pace.


Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

 Post subject: Re: Savage Worlds Blackmoor (split from: Blackmoor games!)
PostPosted: Jul 15, 2014 8:19 pm 
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I've ran Savage Worlds for my own core world that was inspired by Mystara and maybe a little Blackmoor. I thought it worked fine, though one thing I feel goes along with SW is blackpowder weaponry or firearms of some sort. I don't know why, and the Fantasy Companion that Savage Worlds has out kindly supports treasure with and without blackpowder weapons. Still, the game feels like its missing something if you don't at least have the option of having a blunderbuss or a pistol.

For Blackmoor that might work, I've seen a dwarf use a musket in Havard's "Vales Campaign", but for a setting like Greyhawk, the game might lose a little without firearms even though they are not suppose to work on Oerth. That was just me and I could just be talking crazy talk.

Despite trying my hand in various systems or houseruling OSR/OD&D to my liking, I always seem to come back to Savage Worlds.

Ichabod Westlake, Thonian Thief from Vestfold - Tales of the Vales Campaign

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 Post subject: Re: Savage Worlds Blackmoor (split from: Blackmoor games!)
PostPosted: Jul 31, 2014 10:59 am 
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A guy at my local game store was just raving about Savage Worlds the other day, so I guess I'll have to give it another look.

Marv / Finarvyn
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