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 Post subject: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2013/04/16
PostPosted: Apr 19, 2013 7:33 pm 
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 351
This week we had a Canadian Bacon and Extra cheese pizza, extra large.


All the surviving enemies from the Prior report are upon the Party except the Soul Eaters (Cloud Guys).

Characters are described in PART 3 at the bottom of this message.


Spells First:

Junkbot Jackson casts a Cure Light Wounds (CLW) to heal Fundisha again.

Seamus MacLopez the Tenian Deacon begins to cast a Flame Strike spell.

Elefus and Weasel are both in Weasel's happy place. (Using his Rod of Security.)

Physical Activity:

Gerry Castagere made a Saving Throw versus Fear, recovered her composure and fired her Model S3 Heavy Blaster she was issued (one all the other Players forgot about) at Efreet #2. With the setting set to Black, the Efreet failed his saving throw and was instantly destroyed. (The other Efreet did not take an action, fortunately for the Players, this was a GM's oversight.)

NOTE: This wasn't one of the Blasters from the City of the Gawds (DA3), this was a Heavy Blaster from Module S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, henceforth called the Model S3 Heavy Blaster, this module's Heavy Blaster will be called Model DA3, etc.

Unfortunately Seamus was also in the line of sight and was hit, although he made his saving throw vs. Rods, Staves and Wands, but took damage and was stunned for four rounds. The Flame Strike spell was obviously canceled.

Meanwhile Snizzlephish is chatting merrily with the Dragon and asks if the Dragon can solve the Efreeti problem.

One of the Soul Eaters is now 54 Yards away. The other two are milling about where Weasel and Elefus disappeared.


No spells this round.

Having initiative, Junkbot and Fundisha advance right and left respectively to the remaining Efreet's flanks. This was actually a defensive maneuver since like Seamus, they would be next in line of sight and Gerry was next on the initiative roll with the Model S3 Heavy Blaster.

Next Gerry fires the Blaster again, but this time the Efreet makes his saving throw some damage and is only stunned for 2 rounds.

One of the Soul Eaters is now 36 Yards away and appears to be heading for Seamus MacLopez. The other two are milling about as before.

The Dragon asks whether Elefus can fix his missing limb?


No spells this round.

Since Junkbot Jackson and Fundisha are next to the stunned Efreet, they deliver a Coup de Grace and kill it right away. It disappears in a puff of Black smoke. See ya later, folks!

One of the Soul Eaters is now 18 Yards away from Seamus MacLopez. The other two as before.

Gerry's targeting screen on her Blaster goes dead. Apparently she has used up the batteries.

Snizzlephish and the Dragon continue their sips of highballs.


No spells this round.

Junkbot Jackson and Fundisha maneuver to intercept the Soul Eater headed for Seamus.

The Soul Eater arrives at Seamus' position first. The other two as before.

Gerry pulls out her Hand Crossbow.

Snizzlephish and the Dragon place bets.


No spells this round.

This being the last round that Seamus was stunned, he he beset upon while down by the Soul Eater who, like Junkbot two rounds earlier, also delivers its own Coup de Grace. Seamus then dies. Immediately this Soul Eater vanishes.

Junkbot Jackson and Fundisha stop pending attacks.

Gerry pulls out her Hand Crossbow.

Snizzlephish pours the Dragon another round.


Gerry, seeing as there the two Soul Eaters meandering about the same location where Elefus winked out, switches from the Hand Crossbow to a Model DA3 Heavy Blaster and advances and fires on the Soul Eaters position until they are destroyed. (For some strange reason, they seemed fixated on the spot and did not respond to Gerry's ministrations.)

The Dragon hands Snizzlephish a dollar bill. (Not that anyone in this milieu knows what a dollar bill is.)

ROUNDLESS actions.

Bosero the Drunkard eventually recovers from his 10 rounds of pain in the lap of the Dragon who can be heard saying: "I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him ... and I will name him George."

Numrendir, who was left behind (again, but not dead this time) back in Starmorgan, played the role of spy as a businessman and started a small school training new scribes for the Barbarians, seeing as the Barbarians have had recent problems with Scribe retention and turnover. However he took this gaming opportunity with his DA3 model Communicator to contact Jallapierie back in Blackmoor who had been remotely scrying the Party, and ask what what was the Party's status and if he could be reunited? As to not give away the Party's location because the communications devices may be compromised, Jallapierie Teleports in, takes Numrendir and Teleports him to altitude of 1800 feet over the Party's spot, zaps him with a Featherfall spell and lets him go. Jallapierie then Teleports back to Blackmoor to resume his Scrying.

Numrendir gently floats down to the party's location.

Eventually Elefus and Weasel come out of the non-dimensional space, asking "Is the coast clear?" Then they heal Bosero and Elefus attempts to Raise Dead on Seamus to no effect. I don't even allow a die roll. Facing the inevitable, the question comes up about Seamus proper burial. Since I had been using Japanese mythos for the Duchy of Ten, I told them the proper procedure would be cremation, and the personal effects MUST go to his firstborn Son. Seamus personal effects were handed over to Junkbot Jackson, as Weasel's Bag of Holding is nearly full.

The cremation was easily taken care of by the Red Dragon.

The Dragon was actually grateful that they had caused Rahl's retreat. Mainly because Rahl's Orb of the Wyrm was controlling him. So he offers to take them within twenty miles of the Well of Souls, but no further. "Too many annoying Efreeti," he says, "besides, Rahl might be there and control me again." Additionally, he strikes a separate deal with Snizzlephish for a robotic replacement right limb from Willis Strom, the only surviving alien from DA2 and DA3.

Elefus and Weasel teleport to Elefus' stronghold, whereupon they move all of Elefus' possessions there to a new location. This is a preventative measure, because the Red Dragon now knows where it is.

The rest of the party rests in the field to recuperate. The adventure will continue the next game business day.





Elefus' Player plays a HackMaster card in order to gain 30 percentile points of Wisdom, but is aged 3 Years.

The Players vote who is Most Valuable Player (MVP) for the session. Today's MVP was the person who Played Snizzlephish. The MVP nominally gets 500 extra experience points.

I play a HackMaster GM's card, which indicates that the MVP for this session is the ONLY player to gain experience points this session.





Weasel, Human Male, Guild Soldier, Magician, & Myrmidon. (Multi-class. How'd a human get that way? Don't ask.)

Snizzlephish, Gnome Male, Visionist & Footpad (Multi-class.)

Elefus, Human Male Deacon

Numrendir, Human Male Demander. (Recently raised from the dead.)

Junkbot Jackson - Layman-Courser. (The new guy, assigned by the Blackmoor government.)

Fundisha - Fighter/Infiltrator (Junkbot's sidekick just introduced.)


Jallapierie, a 17th level Wizard, (taken offline for defensive scrying against Rahl).

Hieronymous Castagere, a 13th level Fighter and ship's navigator, assigned to them by the Royal Blackmoor government. (Captured by Barbarians)

Gerry Castagere, a Filcher, daughter to the ship's navigator who has fallen in love with Elefus.

Bosero the Drunkard, a 14th level Wizard, seconded in to replace Jallapierie in the party since Jallapierie is busy.

Seamus MacLopez, a Tenian Deacon, (now irrevocably dead).


Aeon, Half-Elf Male Veteran (Captured by Barbarians.)

Mysery Reigns, Halfling Female Killer. (On maternity leave, just gave birth to twins, Halfling Half-Orcs.)

D'Vine_Justice, Elf Female Initiate of the 5th Circle. (Semi-Retirement)



Tracy Johnson


 Post subject: Re: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2013/04/16
PostPosted: Apr 22, 2013 4:01 pm 
Lord of the Regency Council
Lord of the Regency Council
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Joined: Nov 17, 2009 2:48 pm
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Thanks for yet another game report Tracy!

Those Soul Eaters are nasty. At first I thought Seamus was a PC so I was really worried about how cruel you were going to be once the Soul Eater arrived.

Where did you put the ship from Expedition at the Barrier Peaks in this campaign? I agree that it fits very well with Blackmoor.


Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

 Post subject: Re: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2013/04/16
PostPosted: Apr 22, 2013 9:43 pm 
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 351
Of course as you surmised, Seamus MacLopez was just a name change from Gregor Mendicamp. This is one of the reasons I place a summary of the Characters at the bottom of my posts. So conscientious readers can track changes. For the record, I picked the name MacLopez because it is inherently illogical. Mac prefixes being Scot, whereas Lopez is a Spanish surname. The first time I saw it was in an episode of Hamish MacBeth from the BBC. Seamus of course is Irish which makes it even more illogical. It is my sense of humour.

Regarding your question:

Rather conveniently, the Player who possessed (and disbursed some) of the S3 weapons is THE ONLY Player in my campaign to come through the Blackmoor DA# Portal. Therefore the S3 items he has are Canon and are from the original S3 location in the Greyhawk timeline.

What happened Player-wise, was he Played in my former Greyhawk campaign 10 years or more ago. When he wanted to return to my game, I had to tell him I had switched to Blackmoor. It WAS rather convenient he arrived prior to or near the time I wanted to run the DA1 series. So when he came through the portal he was already 11th Level from the previous campaign, so he fit right in.

This allowed him to keep all his magic items from the former Greyhawk campaign. However, he HAS a 26 item limit on his hoarded S3 model Power Discs (batteries). Batteries which I WON'T allow Willis Strom to recharge, because they are from a different Beagle in a different campaign and thus too technologically different.

As another rather convenient item, this also makes him the ONLY Player eligible to fulfill the DA4 prophecy!

Tracy Johnson


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