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 Post subject: [BECMI] Monster Conversion: Naliseth Spawn
PostPosted: Dec 15, 2011 1:40 pm 
Lord of the Regency Council
Lord of the Regency Council
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Naliseth Spawn

Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 1+1**
Move: 90' (30'), Swim 120' (60')
Attacks: 1 fist
Damage: 1d4+1
No. Appearing: 1 (2-24)
Save As: F2
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: B
Intelligence: 6
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 23

Monster Type: Undead, Enchanted (Rare)

Naliseth Spawn are zombie-like humanoids who have been killed and drenched in the blood of a . The Naliseth Blood prevents the Spawn from truly dying, keeping them in a sort of Undead-like state. However, since they are not true undead, they cannont be turned. Naliseth Spawn can only be hurt by magical weapons. They can only surive for a few hours outside of water.
Terrain: Water

The Naliseth Spawn first appeared in Dave Arneson's Blackmoor (D20)


Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

 Post subject: Re: [BECMI] Monster Conversion: Naliseth Spawn
PostPosted: Dec 16, 2011 1:07 pm 
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Joined: Feb 01, 2010 11:59 am
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and added this based on the 4e material.

....for a few hours outside of water. The remember very little of their former lives, but are often drawn, without knowing why, to once familiar landmarks and places. Naliseth spawn are able to see with infravision and have a special, spraying vomit attackin which they latch on to a victim, mouth to mouth and force saltwater and poisonous blood into the victims lungs. The victim must save vs poison and overcome the effects of drowning to survive.

is good?

"The gamemaster may find that sometimes it is a good idea to just let the unexpected lead where it will." Dave Arneson - DNA DOA

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 Post subject: Re: [BECMI] Monster Conversion: Naliseth Spawn
PostPosted: Dec 19, 2011 4:37 pm 
Lord of the Regency Council
Lord of the Regency Council
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Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

 Post subject: Re: [BECMI] Monster Conversion: Naliseth Spawn
PostPosted: Dec 20, 2011 1:55 pm 
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Joined: Feb 01, 2010 11:59 am
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The 4e notes are kinda hard to relate to as there are lots of features that seem meaningless to "regular" D&D, but this one is labeled "Watery Vomit (standard encounter)". I added the mouth to mouth and save vs. poison bit cause it seemed to better explain it, but the attack basically fills the victims lungs with water causing drowning.

They are also supposed to be immune to disease and poison, I just noticed.

"The gamemaster may find that sometimes it is a good idea to just let the unexpected lead where it will." Dave Arneson - DNA DOA

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