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 Post subject: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2016/03/28
PostPosted: Mar 30, 2016 8:36 pm 
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 351
Games are on Monday night sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

This time we had an extra-large sausage pizza.


The bugs having been dealt with, our party opted to continue up the high road toward Nulb and its environs. Elefus having been retrieved from Tharp opted to continue with the party.

They passed an old battlefield and graveyard that according to Tharp's elders happened ten years ago when armies banded together to crush the former evil temple's forces. Despite some obvious signs of the graves being disturbed the ignored it and moved on.

The road narrowed to a track but after a few miles it opened up again whereupon they came across the old dilapidated fort that used to belong to the temple and was also cleared out in the last war.

Aerys the party's six foot tall Tinkerbell, was acting as forward observer when they came near the fort. Flying up to the top of the abandoned tower, she noticed what appeared to be a huge stork approaching.

Of course everyone is aware how a large object can appear small at a long distance and it became apparent the bird was steadily growing larger. Then Aerys also became aware that the top of the tower she had alighted on was fashioned into a six foot wide stork's nest, complete with droppings but no eggs.

Aerys decided to fly back to the party and warn them.

Meanwhile the twelve foot tall big bird finally landed on it's nest and finished off a large meal of large salmon it had been carrying. Thereafter it flew down to a large pond (an extension of the former moat around the old fort), landed, and stood there above the water on one leg and preened itself. (Thus giving the party some idea of how deep the pond was.)

The party felt Big Bird was satisfied and otherwise harmless and continued on towards the fort.

Deeming what remained of the fort and drawbridge safe, they sent a squad of several members of the Party, consisting of Honda, Huang, Dornorin, Blake and Vixine. As soon as they got close an arrow was shot from one of the old arrow slits on the side of the wall at Huang. Now Huang, being the high level Monk that he is, Huang caught it in mid-air Kung-Fu style.

Thus appraised of hostile intent from the fort the group started backing up. Elefus and Curly, the only other two party members with shields, rushed forward.

After the incident with the giant bugs, Elefus was now out of ammo in his blaster rifle. So he switched to his hand blaster (both items appropriated from an earlier high tech adventure) and lobbed a fireball into the same arrow slit to hear satisfying exclamations of pain.

Otherwise unhurt but due to a character flaw (played by a card from one Player on another) Huang suddenly develped a nosebleed. Meanwhile Big Bird, smelling blood in the air made an albatross-like dash across the pond and moat at Huang and carried him from the drawbridge. Party members with missile weapons took a few potshots.

Huang while in mid-air struggled to free himself with various martial art moves but it took a couple rounds when Big Bird, decidedly taking some damage from both potshots and Huang's struggle, just dropped Huang into the moat.

Aerys also gave chase and attacked with his Petite Rapier for several rounds as they climbed into the air. Big Bird fought back giving Aerys a negative return on her investment causing Aerys to fall to the ground unconscious with negative hit points. A healing card was Played, saving Aerys from taking full damage and certain death from a 50 foot drop. (As they were no longer over the moat.)

Big bird free of its annoyances, simply flew of into the distance.

++++ END OF SESSION ++++

Our gamers decided to call it an early night at 10PM as one of them wanted to leave early. So we left with the party once again warily approaching the fort knowing there may be hostiles inside.






CHARACTERS (New players on top.)

Dornorin, a Sylvan Elf, Magic User, General Practitioner.
Jacko, an Albino Dork Elf, 1st level Infiltrator, (Go figure why he spent 20 years in prison. Makes you wonder why he couldn't also exfiltrate.)
Blake, a Human 1st level Infiltrator (a.k.a. Sneak).
Vixine Numar, a Human 1st level Chosen One (a.k.a. Touched)
Aerys, a Elvariel 1st level Thief. (Elvariels are like 6 foot tall Fairy hybrids. Makes you wonder about the breeding habits of Tinkerbell.
Count Elefus, a Human Male Abbot
Sir Huang - a Master of the North Wind of the Stone Tiger Order, Baron of Catan
Dame Honda - a Human Datai Samurai, Steward of Catan (formerly Temple of the Frog)
Numrendir - a Human Conjurist


Tujef, Numrendir's sidekick and a Human 3rd level Zealot of Thor (recently converted to Zealot)
Curly - Insane Keeper a.k.a 1st level Paladin and Elefus' other Sidekick (a Gargoyle really wouldn't do).
Twitch - Raised from the Dead (twice) Treasure Hunter.
Gargoyle - Elefus's hench person (demoted from Sidekick)
Rubbio - Redeemed Footpad
Sum Dum Gai - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Won Hung Lo - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Bang Mi - Female 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Stin Ki Poo - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Yu Too Fat - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
No Tsmo King - Female 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Hu Yu Hai Ding - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)


Junkbot Jackson - a Human Tracker/Adept
Gerry Castagere, Human Fingersmith, and ever loving devotee of Elefus
Fundisha - a Half-Elf Swordsperson
Sir Weasel, Human Guild Soldier, Warlock, & Champion (he stayed back in BlackMoor)
- and nine Pilgrim henchmen of various levels. (They wear hoodies.)
Slade Wilson - Dwarven Professional (Left behind at Catan)





This is also posted on two forums, a blog, and recursively on linkedin:

http://www.furiouslyeclectic.com/forum/ ... php?fid=13

Tracy Johnson


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