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 Post subject: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2016/03/21
PostPosted: Mar 25, 2016 5:18 pm 
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 351
Games are on Monday night sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

This time we had an extra-large meat-lover's with Pepperoni removed substituted with Canadian Bacon.

For BlackMoor fans, I relocated this adventure from Greyhawk to the BlackMoor map near the the crossroads between the Regent of the Mines, The Black Hills, and Fairfield Abbey. Consider Tharp and Nulb to be unmarked towns.

Correction to last Post: Aerys was not killed and raised, it was Bang Mi, 1000 XP transferred and she is now eligible to raise a level.


Players started with a meticulous plan offered by Jacko to get the bugs. They would put three combatants at each tunnel entrance(exit) he had scouted out during his prior excursion. The rest of the Party would go down as a group and clear the upper tunnels to each exit where those waiting above would link up. Jacko would lead.

This went fine until the last upper level tunnel. While going up Jacko was webbed by one Warrior insect while another behind him went the other way. During the brief combat below, the other bug went topside and webbed two other unnamed characters and attempted to take them along to the next hole. The point being while making this dash, it was hit by a thermal grenade launched by Elefus waiting in the farm house. Oh and need I mention, the grenade was launched short so that the blast radius would just kill the bug and not its two captives being dragged behind.

Calling down Elefus from the farm house as a "reinforcement" they encountered little more save for one cavern that Jacko had determined was "new construction" since his earlier excursion. So the party digging intensely made their way though and were "webbed" again by whatever was on the other side. The Party had set up Elefus on the other side in just such an event and he launch another thermal grenade into the chamber and destroyed it all.

It seems the bugs had decided to hide out in this chamber until the threat passed.

Lastly they came upon the massively immobile and abandoned queen in a chamber all by herself. It took awhile, but they after stabbing dozens of times with their steely knives, they finally killed the beast.

++++ END OF SESSION ++++

As a debriefing these bugs where the Aarakian species setting up a new colony. As such the Party defeated ten Workers, four Warriors, two Brood Watchers and one Queen. The underground complex was treated exactly as the picture on page 8 of the HackMaster Monstrous Compendium Volume I. As far as the module concerned if left untreated, these bugs could have expanded and threatened the village of Tharp.






CHARACTERS (New players on top.)

Dornorin, a Sylvan Elf, Magic User, General Practitioner.
Jacko, an Albino Dork Elf, 1st level Infiltrator, (Go figure why he spent 20 years in prison. Makes you wonder why he couldn't also exfiltrate.)
Blake, a Human 1st level Infiltrator (a.k.a. Sneak).
Vixine Numar, a Human 1st level Chosen One (a.k.a. Touched)
Aerys, a Elvariel 1st level Thief. (Elvariels are like 6 foot tall Fairy hybrids. Makes you wonder about the breeding habits of Tinkerbell.
Count Elefus, a Human Male Abbot
Sir Huang - a Master of the North Wind of the Stone Tiger Order, Baron of Catan
Dame Honda - a Human Datai Samurai, Steward of Catan (formerly Temple of the Frog)
Numrendir - a Human Conjurist


Tujef, Numrendir's sidekick and a Human 3rd level Zealot of Thor (recently converted to Zealot)
Curly - Insane Keeper a.k.a 1st level Paladin and Elefus' other Sidekick (a Gargoyle really wouldn't do).
Twitch - Raised from the Dead (twice) Treasure Hunter.
Gargoyle - Elefus's hench person (demoted from Sidekick)
Rubbio - Redeemed Footpad
Sum Dum Gai - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Won Hung Lo - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Bang Mi - Female 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Stin Ki Poo - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Yu Too Fat - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
No Tsmo King - Female 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)
Hu Yu Hai Ding - Male 1st level Monk (a.k.a. Grasshopper)


Junkbot Jackson - a Human Tracker/Adept
Gerry Castagere, Human Fingersmith, and ever loving devotee of Elefus
Fundisha - a Half-Elf Swordsperson
Sir Weasel, Human Guild Soldier, Warlock, & Champion (he stayed back in BlackMoor)
- and nine Pilgrim henchmen of various levels. (They wear hoodies.)
Slade Wilson - Dwarven Professional (Left behind at Catan)





This is also posted on two forums, a blog, and recursively on linkedin:
http://www.furiouslyeclectic.com/forum/ ... php?fid=13

Tracy Johnson


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