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 Post subject: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2013/07/02
PostPosted: Jul 03, 2013 1:58 pm 
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 351
Last night we had a sausage and green pepper pizza.

Still at a Summer low of only two Players present, we picked up from last week and rolled initiative. A third Player showed up, Played one round then left on other business.

If you recall last week, four Barbarians burst in and started attacking Sher Yakub who was in turn attacking Elefus. I took the liberty of adding Dost Suwat from the module to the mix as well as three other Barbarians of like mind. So the Party has four new allies in the chamber.

We also accounted for Gerry Castagere, although it had been claimed she was sent to the rear with the Brothas, I found a old hand scribble of where the characters were allocated when the breach into the cavern was made that had Gerry's name on it. So she was placed on the table next to Brother Richard.

Since it was the Third Round of Turn Two, we also had to determine what happened to the Grimlocks, normally unaligned to either side. So I judged once released from the Rod of Rulership the Grimlocks had to make a choice 50% either way, with a negative 5% modifier against the party. Also since there were three breaches through the cavern walls and incommunicado from other Grimlocks, the Grimlocks were divided into three equal sections and rolled for separately. Two rolls put two sections of Grimlocks as Party allies, the Last roll put the last one in the enemy camp. This group was next to Brother Richard, Gerry, Bosero and Numrendir.

For Turn Two Round Three the only major event was a Magic Missle from Gul Hadda on Elefus for somewhere near a dozen hits. The remainder were physical attacks. Elefus being surrounded on all sides by, two Efreet, two Soul Eaters took some hits, but passed his poison saves and wisdom saves. The earth element was still held by a spell from Umra Dir. But Bosero did not know that and attempted to dispel his own creation at 50% and failed. Weasel returned from his Rod of Security using is Module S3 Blaster Rifle disintegrated one Efreet.

On Round Four major things started to happen. Bosero finally dispelled the Earth Elemental then cast a Fly spell on himself and moved into the chamber. Another Magic Missile was sent agains Elefus by Gul Hadda. On Segment Zero Weasel again destroyed another Efreet with his Module S3 Blaster. Later that round one of the remaining Efreet on Segment Four communicated with the other other remaining Efreet, so the two dead Efreeti were wished back in one piece. Gerri who had hitherto remained in the background fired off a Module DA3 Heavy Blaster centered on Umra Dir, killing her as well as two nearby Soul Eaters. Soul Eaters that had been waiting for Weasel finally struck, and missed due to his magical protection.

On Round Five, Gerry went into Blaster Lust, firing off down the way they came at onrushing hostile Grimlocks, killing a dozen. The Soul Eaters on Weasel realizing they couldn't touch him, changed targets and started moving. Gul Hadda cast a Polymorph Other spell on Elefus, and finally Elefus failed his Saving Throw but passed his System Shock and Intelligence checks. Elefus is now a 12 inch long Giant Centipede that can think. Bosero cast a Stone Shape on part of the Cavern Wall to release friendly Grimlocks from the tunnel on the other side. Brother Richard finished casting an Animate Dead on Dolmin, who was underneath the tipped over Well of Souls. The Undead Dolmin rolled over, thus finally tipping the Well of Souls into the Lava Pit.

On Round Six, the Well of Souls is destroyed by the Lava Pit and the Soul Eaters disappear. Gul Hadda is Paralyzed by some forgotten spell by a Player and is Coup de Grace by onrushing friendly Grimlocks. Gerry blasted away another dozen unfriendly Grimocks. Efreeti get the hint and go back to their own Plane and are just waved through by TSA without luggage inspection, Business Class, but not before one Efreet got one more lick on the now diminutive Elefus for 13 Hit Points. Fundisha heads for the spot where Junkbot was disintegrated and sweeps up as much dust lying about as she can, although she is quite spooked at the foot long Giant Centipede heading for her.

GM's Note: Since Elefus was surrounded by quite large Efreeti and smoky Soul Eaters when he was polymorphed into a Giant Centipede. No one had a visual as to what happened to him. They party is "in character" unaware the Giant Centipede is Elefus.

At the end of the round the ground starts to shake. The Party and any living allies will have a limited time to evacuate.

++++ OTHER NOTES ++++

It was passed down from the third wall breach by the friendly Grimlocks and Degern's Knights that another Cleric was disrupting their advance but hastily disappeared when the ground started rumbling. Whereupon it was told they also need to evacuate. If the Eruption is mild, perhaps the friendly Grimlocks and Degern's Knights can back out and collapse the tunnels they had just dug with the Pick Axe of Tunnel Ease and hope the volcano pressure doesn't follow the weak spot?

Next week it will be sorted out who gets to evacuate and how severe the Volcano will erupt. (See PART 3.)

The Players voted Gerry as Most Valuable Player (MVP), even though she is an NPC. So I guess she would be MVNP and get half the 500 Experience Points.





(Some characters have been removed due to death.)


Weasel, Human Male, Guild Soldier (T14), Magician (MU6), & Myrmidon (F6). (Multi-class. How'd a human get that way? Don't ask.)

Snizzlephish, Gnome Male, Visionist (Illu6) & Footpad (T2) (Multi-class.)

Elefus, Human Male Deacon (CL12)

Numrendir, Human Male Demander. (Conj5).

Fundisha - Fighter/Infiltrator (F2 / Infiltrator2)


Jallapierie, a 17th level Wizard (MU17), (taken offline for defensive scrying against Rahl).

Hieronymous Castagere (F13), a 13th level Fighter and ship's navigator, assigned to them by the Royal Blackmoor government. (Captured by Barbarians)

Gerry Castagere, a Fingersmith (T7), daughter to the ship's navigator who has fallen in love with Elefus.

Bosero the Drunkard, a 14th level Wizard (MU14), seconded in to replace Jallapierie in the party since Jallapierie is busy.

Dost Suwat, a 7th Level Barbarian and three 2nd level Barbarian buddies.


Mysery Reigns, Halfling Female Killer (Rogue6). (On maternity leave, just gave birth to twins, Halfling Half-Orcs.)

D'Vine_Justice, Elf Female Initiate of the 5th Circle (D7). (Semi-Retired)




Next session's volcano eruption.

Using my perversion of the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), I'll use the following table by rolling a 511 sided die (three 10 siders anything above 511 will simply be re-rolled):

Source: http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/how-big-are-eruptions

Roll 1-256, VEI=0, non-explosive, plume <100M, volume 1000s m3
Roll 257-384, VEI1, gentle, plume <1000M, volume 10,000s m3
Roll 385-448, VEI2, explosive, plume 1-5km, volume 1,000,000s m3
Roll 449-480, VEI3, severe, plume 3-5km, volume 10,000,000s m3
Roll 481-496. VEI4, cataclysmic, plume, 5-15km, volume 100,000,000s m3
Roll 497-504, VEI5, paroxsysmal, plume >25km, volume 1 km3
Roll 505-508, VEI6, colossal, plume >25km, volume 10s km3
Roll 505-508, VEI7, super-colossal, plume >25km, volume 100s km3
Roll 511, VEI8, mega-colossal, plume>25km, volume 1000s km3

Note the frequency of the highest VEI numbers are in the many many years, so a true table would have me roll a million sided die and hope for a 1. But there would be no fun in that.

Tracy Johnson


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