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 Post subject: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2013/04/09
PostPosted: Apr 15, 2013 11:17 pm 
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 351
We finally get to go forward in time to last week's session.

The injured Player was finally back after a 49 day hiatus. His participation was critical, thus far we had played several week's of boardgames. We started this game up after the previous round of battle 7 weeks ago. To bring everyone up to speed. the Enemy's distance to the main Party was:

At 270 Yards, 3 cloud like beings, (Soul Eaters, #1, #2, & #3)
At 288 Yards, 2 Efreet
At 306 Yards, 1 Old Red Dragon (Wyrm age), and Rahl, the disaffected Magic User.

This battle group of bad guys (unless moving retrograde) keep an equidistant 18 yards from each other. 1 Soul Eater is moving retrograde, the other is confused. Elefus is 18 yards behind the Dragon and Rahl.


Rahl was now aware that Weasel had stabbed him in the back but unable to respond due to his hands being full. Per the last battle report, Weasel had gone back to his happy place with his Rod of Security. This left only Elefus trailing along behind the dragon which now both Rahl and the Dragon were aware of.

Spells first:

After initiative was rolled, Bosero the Drunkard cast the first spell, a Lightning Bolt at Rahl (and within spec to hit the Dragon also). The Dragon made its Magic Resistance thus ignoring the bolt, and Rahl's staff of the Magi absorbs the the Bolt. Junkbot Jackson casts a spell that the casting time causes it to go off next round. Elefus attempts to cast a Flame Strike spell on Rahl location.

Physical Activity:

The Old Red Wyrm turns his head around and says "Hi Elefus, hows it going? !" Elefus answers "Just fine thank you!" This of course breaks Elefus' concentration and he must recast his spell, and the Dragon now knew Elefus was lying.

All other parties are to far away to do anything so I decrement the distance from the party.

Cloud guy #1 is now 252 Yards away.
Cloud guy #2 (retrograde) is now 288 Yards away
Cloud guy #3 (confused) is now 270 Yards away
Efreet #1 is now 270 Yards away.
Efreet #2 is now 270 Yards away.
Dragon and Rahl are now 288 Yards away.


Spells first:

Junkbot Jackson's spell takes effect, a simple Bless on the main Party. But we actually looked up the casting time! Elefus attempts to recast his Flame Strike, now ignoring anything the Dragon has to say.

Physical Activity:

The Dragon continues to attempt speaking with Elefus.

Snizzlephish arrives on the scene nearby and slightly away from the Party by 30 Yards. He mixes himself a drink with a little umbrella in it. Then he sits down to watch in a folding lawn chair.

Still out of range, the rest of the party mills about in no particular order.

All other parties are to far away to do anything so I decrement the distance from the party.
Cloud guy #1 is now 234 Yards away.
Cloud guy #2 (retrograde) is now 288 Yards away (and now at Elefus' position).
Cloud guy #3 (confused) is still 270 Yards away
Efreet #1 is now 252 Yards away.
Efreet #2 is now 252 Yards away.
Dragon and Rahl are now 270 Yards away.


Spells first:

Rahl conjures up an Air Elemental on Elefus with his Staff of the Magi.

Elefus Flame Strike spell takes effect, while it has no effect on the Dragon it hit's Rahl. The Staff of the Magi attempts to absorb the spell, but due to Rahl's hubris it exceeded his calculation of how much it can hold and exploded, for 200 hit points. While the explosion cost the Dragon a forearm and killed the Air Elemental just conjured, it would kill Rahl even if he made his saving throw. Thus, Rahl invoked the curious HackMaster rule and purged 90% of his Honor to save himself. Meanwhile the Dragon nonplussed, shrugs off the event and keeps going.

Note the Staff's explosion had a 30 foot radius (10 Yards) centered on Rahl, while Elefus was conveniently 8 Yards further out.

Note the Dragon at this point knew Elefus' intent with the Flame Strike and thus did not care what Elefus was doing.

Physical Activity:

The Dragon continues to attempt speaking with Elefus. "Ow that hurt."

Cloud guy #2 (a Soul Eater) strikes Elefus for 9 Hit Points and a point of Wisdom.

Still out of range, the rest of the party mills about in no particular order.

Decrementing distance from the party again:
Cloud guy #1 is now 216 Yards away.
Cloud guy #2 is now 270 Yards away and fighting Elefus.
Cloud guy #3 (confused) is still 270 Yards away
Efreet #1 is now 234 Yards away.
Efreet #2 is now 234 Yards away.
Dragon and Rahl are now 252 Yards away.


Spells first:

Rahl Teleports out. Otherwise no one else casts a spell as both sides are reassessing the situation.

Physical Activity:

The Dragon continues to attempt speaking with Elefus and speeds up to 30'.

The Efreeti speed up to max speed of 24'.

Cloud guy #2 (a Soul Eater) strikes Elefus for a few more Hit Points and another point of Wisdom. Elefus strikes back for an unspecified amount of damage.

Still out of range, the rest of the party mills about in no particular order.

Decrementing distance from the party again:
Cloud guy #1 is now 198 Yards away.
Cloud guy #2 is now 252 Yards away and fighting Elefus.
Cloud guy #3 (confused) is still 270 Yards away
Efreet #1 is now 208 Yards away.
Efreet #2 is now 208 Yards away.
Dragon is now 222 Yards away.


Spells first:

Bosero the Drunkard casts a Fireball at a Efreet #2 for 23 hit points. (Efreet are not immune but magical fire is -1 per die.)

Physical Activity:

The Dragon continues to attempt speaking with Elefus.

Cloud guy #2 (a Soul Eater) strikes Elefus for a few more Hit Points and another yet point of Wisdom. Elefus strikes back and also plays a HackMaster card to increase the amount of damage. I (the GM) retaliate with another HackMaster card and the damage goes to Elefus instead.

Weasel comes back from his Happy Place at 306 Yards away. The Dragon has since moved from where Weasel was standing on the Dragon's back, so Weasel has to resort to his Ring of Flying.

Still out of range, the rest of the party mills about in no particular order.

Decrementing distance from the party again:
Cloud guy #1 is now 180 Yards away.
Cloud guy #2 is now 234 Yards away and fighting Elefus.
Cloud guy #3 is still 270 Yards away from the main Party but is no longer confused.
Efreet #1 is now 184 Yards away.
Efreet #2 is now 184 Yards away.
Dragon is now 192 Yards away.


Spells first:

Junkbot Jackson attempts a Hold Person on an Efreet and fails.

Physical Activity:

Fundisha shoots an arrow at an Efreet and hits for 2 points.

Elefus retreats towards Weasel to 252 Yards from the Main party.

Weasel heads towards Elefus at 288 Yards from the Main party.

Decrementing distance from the party again:
Cloud guy #1 is now 162 Yards away.
Cloud guy #2 is now 252 Yards away and chasing Elefus.
Cloud guy #3 heads towards Weasel.
Efreet #1 is now 160 Yards away.
Efreet #2 is now 160 Yards away.
Dragon is now 162 Yards away.


Spells first:

Bosero the Drunkard attempts a Cloudkill spell to little effect.

The two Efreeti, both cast Wish spells upon each other.

Physical Activity:

Weasel and Elefus meet, Weasel touches his Rod of Security and they both go to Weasel's happy place.

Still out of range, the rest of the party mills about in no particular order. Snizzlephish is enjoying his drink.

Decrementing distance from the party again:
Cloud guy #1 is now 144 Yards away.
Cloud guy #2 is 270 Yards away and is now confused.
Cloud guy #3 is 270 Yards away and is now confused.
Efreet #1 is now 136 Yards away.
Efreet #2 is now 136 Yards away.
Dragon is now 132 Yards away.


(Rather than just mark time for the remainder of the rounds as the Party waits for the enemy to approach, I'll skip ahead to where it makes sense.)

Efreet #1 breathes Dragon fire on Bosero the Drunkard for 50 points of damage and Bosero fails his Threshhold of Pain check and drops.

Efreet #2 breathes Dragon fire on Junkbot Jackson and Fundisha for 38 points of damage.

(It should be apparent regarding the Efreeti that the two Wishes on each other were that they could both breath Red Dragon breath.)

Junkbot cast a healing spell on Fundisha just to bring her up from negative to zero hit points.

The Dragon speaks to Snizzlephish regarding his drink, "Hi, you got any more of that?"

Gerry is weeping.

Distance is mostly now irrelevant. But Cloud guy #1 is still catching up at 72 Yards away. The other two Cloud guys are still confused at 270 Yards.


What remains is whether there is strength in the rest of the party to keep fighting, surrender, or find an escape.






Weasel, Human Male, Guild Soldier, Magician, & Myrmidon. (Multi-class. How'd a human get that way? Don't ask.)

Snizzlephish, Gnome Male, Visionist & Footpad (Multi-class.)

Elefus, Human Male Deacon

Numrendir, Human Male Demander. (Recently raised from the dead.)

Junkbot Jackson - Layman-Courser. (The new guy, assigned by the Blackmoor government.)

Fundisha - Fighter/Infiltrator (Junkbot's sidekick just introduced.)


Jallapierie, a 17th level Wizard, (taken offline for defensive scrying against Rahl).

Hieronymous Castagere, a 13th level Fighter and ship's navigator, assigned to them by the Royal Blackmoor government. (Captured by Barbarians)

Gerry Castagere, a Filcher, daughter to the ship's navigator who has fallen in love with Elefus.

Bosero the Drunkard, a 14th level Wizard, seconded in to replace Jallapierie in the party since Jallapierie is busy.

Seamus MacLopez, a Tenian Deacon, assigned to them by the Royal Blackmoor government. (The Players don't remember what NPC names I tell them, but for the record, this IS just a cover name for Gregor Mendicamp, he's supposed to be the leader of Tenian underground and needs his anonymity.)


Aeon, Half-Elf Male Veteran (Captured by Barbarians.)

Mysery Reigns, Halfling Female Killer. (On maternity leave, just gave birth to twins, Halfling Half-Orcs.)

D'Vine_Justice, Elf Female Initiate of the 5th Circle. (Semi-Retirement)



Tracy Johnson


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