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 Post subject: Tracy's HackMoor Campaign 2013/05/07
PostPosted: May 08, 2013 2:30 pm 
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Joined: Feb 24, 2013 8:48 pm
Posts: 351
This time Jacob #2 will be out for several weeks. Jacob #1 was present meaning we could not have veggies on our pizza. So I got a sausage pizza, extra large. Funny thing, the next morning I lost 3 pounds from the morning before.

Note: PART 3 from last week should have been designated PART 2.

First item on the agenda was to finish off the remaining barbarians at the tail end of the slave caravan.


The Barbarians were already in full retreat. Having recovered their two sleeping comrades and gaining initiative, they galloped away on their move (4.8 inches on the table) away from the nearest enemy, They also made a whistle call and the horses who were in the lead,but now riderless due to their fallen riders, also followed.

Again since the Barbarians were retreating, only Weasel (who was in contact with their rear) got to make a free swing and fumbled. All remaining Brothas on the edge of the woods who had line of sight, shot their arrows on their initiative to little no effect. The five Highland Orcs (from a Monster Summoning I), threw their spiked clubs, some hit, causing an average of 8 points damage. One of the misses also hit, which was a left hook overshot and caused massive damage on the lead Barbarian, but he passed his threshhold of pain check. Other misses also caused minor damage to the horses.

Elefus and Gerry Castagere were in the woods in reserve. Gerry seeing the moment was opportune decided to grapple in order to deliver a kiss on Elefus and failed.

Elefus used his Boots of Flying to get out of reach.


Still within range, Weasel decided to cast Phantasmal Fireball on the retreating Barbarians. I called that each individual Barbarian make an initiative roll before making Saving Throws. The first Barbarian went on Initiative #1 and made his Saving Throw versus this Illusion and was able to communicate it to the others (who were on later initiative numbers.) Only 4 of the 6 horses on the other hand made their Saving Throws but since they could not communicate this fact two horses fell from the Illusion. Their Barbarian riders made their Dex check (14) and took no damage from the fall.

Next the Highland Orcs attempted to Overbear and bring down one of the riderless horses coming down the line and miserably failed on a die row of 4 (minus 4 since the horse was bigger, minus two each for each leg more than two, plus 4 for each Orc more than the first for a total of zero).

The mounted Barbarians were now well away (9.2 inches on the table).


Lastly the two just dismounted Barbarians pulled a movie stunt and mounted on the two of the six horses galloping by. (I could have them whistle call them to another stop but this was more dramatic.)

I judged that the 6 Barbarians and 10 horses got away. Killed were 6 Barbarians and 2 horses. (Well the 2 horses THOUGHT they were dead due to the Illusion. They became really dead when the Highland Orcs caught up with them and started eating.

Weasel thought about giving chase on his Phantasmal Steed spell, however it would have taken 10 Rounds to cast the Spell, the Barbarians were moving at a speed of 48", although the steed moved at a speed of 56", it would have taken Weasel 15.75 rounds to catch up, It was not worth the effort, and the Barbarians could possibly prepare an ambush behind the next turn in this hilly terrain.


There was a cheer from the near two dozen freed slaves. Bosero the Drunkard did as many Knock spells on the locks as necessary.

Elefus used his "Recruit Army" skill and passed, gaining his own small army of 26. Arms from the fallen Barbarians were handed out. Six Crossbows and six Longswords to share between them.

(Since they were freed slaves, Elefus started to seem more like Spartacus.)

Gerry Castagere found her Father Hieronymous among the freed slaves and quickly want to introduced him to her new beau, Elefus. "Look Dad, my boyfriend's a General!"


At this point the Brothas take this opportunity to call a war council and exchanged news. They now recognized the party is the one they were expecting to attack the Well of Souls so they handed the Party the map they had prepared. It was learned the Well of Souls is inside of a small hill. They also received the news about the passing of Seamus MacLopez the day before and had a minute of silence.

It was decided that Weasel would go on ahead and scout the area of the Well of Souls on the map 20 miles away. Preparing his Phantasmal Steed spell, Weasel got close at an amazing 18.6 miles an hour when he had his first encounter.

This large 7 foot tall fellow with red skin and blonde hair, with red and gold armor with a shield emblazoned with a shining sun symbol, stepped into his path and said

"Wait, we need to talk."

Weasel not expecting to be noticed, wearing his Robe of Blending 100% of the time was nonplussed.

"I surmise by your filthy Robe of Blending and the lack of hooves on your Phantasmal Steed, you wish to approach the Barbarians unheard and unseen?'

Weasel perceived the stranger's allegations were correct stopped to chat. (He needed to take his Robe to the cleaners anyway.)

The stranger offered his services, saying that his arch-enemies are the Efreeti and I seek to drive them off this world. However my methods are NOT stealthy, as I prefer armed combat. But YOU on the other hand can help me flush these Efreeti out of the hill.

Weasel agrees to this and asks him to join his fellows 18.6 miles back down the road, he loans him his Phantasmal Steed to speed up the trip. The hill on the other hand was now only 2.3 miles away. Weasel decides to continue forward with his ring of flying at 6 miles an hour instead of 18.6.

Weasel uses his DA3 Communicator to vis-a-vis Elefus to tell the party about the newcomer's arrival. Two hours after Weasel left, the newcomer joins the party. (This shall be dealt with next session.)


At this point, nearly on queue, the Player for Aeon rejoins the game in progress after a 6 month absence.


Aeon, a character that had been captured and put on trial some weeks before by the Barbarians for murder was sentenced to the slave pen at the Well of Souls. He had arrived last week by a similar caravan like the one that had just been ambushed by the Brothas. During his time in the pen, he notices that other slaves taken into the tunnel entrance to the hill never come out. He begins to plot a means of escape.

Meanwhile, Weasel begins his approach to the hill. Every so often, something happens, either a Patrol, one of the Soul Eaters comes out the chimney, or an Efreet goes flying about the hill for a few minutes and returns down the tunnel entrance (after a "smoke" break). Weasel's only concern (due to his Robe of Blending), are the Efreeti. Because unless one of the Patrol members has high intelligence he gets a chance to detect Weasel. The Soul Eaters on the other hand, seem intent on going one direction. It is only the Efreeti that probably have the ability for True Seeing (since there is more than one Efreet, they can grant each other True Seeing as a Wish, and since the wishes are renewable daily they have an endless supply of aerial patrols.)

Anyway during these times Weasel diminishes himself with his Rod of Diminution, and hides under a rock or bush. This occurred about 3 times during his tour of "the hill". Weasel makes it to the "chimney" on the hill that is constantly spewing sulfuric smoke and the occasional Soul Eater. While up there, he espies a commotion in the Slave Pen below:


Aeon was about to work his escape (via the module's method of a human pyramid) when he invented another idea.

He decided to use his "ART OF SEDUCTION" skill on one of the passing Barbarians called a "Handmaiden of Death", and PASSED.

(Barbarian "Handmaidens of Death", which are well known amongst the conquered baronies of the Duchy, are 9th Level Fighters and personally serve the Chief Barbarian herself, the Mistress of Gawd.)

The "Handmaiden" is insulted by the attempted pass and has the gate promptly opened and Aeon is dragged off into the tunnel entrance of the hill. (This ends Weasel's view.)


Aeon is taken to a cell where he is chained to the wall standing up, and the Handmaiden leaves.

KNOWING he has made his "Art of Seduction" roll he anticipates some Barbarian Sado-Masochistic female domination event. So he "TAUNTS" his captors in an attempt to encourage them.

Several more "Handmaidens of Death" return and he is told: "Oh, we were simply going to send you to your death, but we aim to please!"

His shackles are reversed and he is now facing the wall.

Aeon learns to his dismay, that the Barbarian "Handmaidens of Death" are not female. It has more to do with their title and dress code, and they are rather more "barbarian" in their behavior.






Dolmin, "Wrathaxe", Dwarven Swordsman (F3)

Weasel, Human Male, Guild Soldier (T14), Magician (MU6), & Myrmidon (F6). (Multi-class. How'd a human get that way? Don't ask.)

Snizzlephish, Gnome Male, Visionist (Illu6) & Footpad (T2) (Multi-class.)

Elefus, Human Male Deacon (CL12)

Numrendir, Human Male Demander. (Conj5).

Junkbot Jackson - Layman-Courser. (CL4/Rgr4)

Fundisha - Fighter/Infiltrator (F2 / Infiltrator2)

Aeon, Half-Elf Male Veteran (F1) (Captured by Barbarians.)


Jallapierie, a 17th level Wizard (MU17), (taken offline for defensive scrying against Rahl).

Hieronymous Castagere (F13), a 13th level Fighter and ship's navigator, assigned to them by the Royal Blackmoor government. (Captured by Barbarians)

Gerry Castagere, a Fingersmith (T7), daughter to the ship's navigator who has fallen in love with Elefus.

Bosero the Drunkard, a 14th level Wizard (MU14), seconded in to replace Jallapierie in the party since Jallapierie is busy.


Mysery Reigns, Halfling Female Killer (Rogue6). (On maternity leave, just gave birth to twins, Halfling Half-Orcs.)

D'Vine_Justice, Elf Female Initiate of the 5th Circle (D7). (Semi-Retired)

Tracy Johnson


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