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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 04, 2012 6:08 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 05, 2012 9:49 am 
Lord of the Regency Council
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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 05, 2012 4:03 pm 
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That's a possible option, with good hooks for players!
Maybe the Burrowers can give a lot of power to their followers when they are near, but much less when they are far, making invasions of each other lands more difficult? Possibly this was the beginning of the concept of territories and nations for the mankind (each Burrower had a specific group in a specific territory that was the closest to the Burrower itself, with difficulties to expand)?
On top of this, Burrowers shouldn't have the penalties that immortals get when the don't have worshippers, otherwise they'd all die while sleeping for millennia each time...

However, I always imagined Burrowers as solitary, cumbersome, darckness-loving (probably blind), extremely slow creatures, that don't move much across millennia... I don't see them trying to connect physically with each other (for fighting or for whatever other reason...), but rather using telepathy and similar psionic/hypnotic powers (if I remember properly, the Outer Beings are connected to the dimension of Nightmares, so it's appropriate that the Burrowers use dreams to further their plans!)... when they are not in deep sleep, of course!

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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 14, 2012 7:23 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 23, 2012 2:28 pm 
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I just realized that Keres has some resemblance with the fictional character of Feldon ( ), from Magic: the Gathering.
Both of them like scavenging ancient artifacts of great power from glaciers... Keres found the Carnifex Scythe, while Feldon found the Golgothian Sylex and his famous cane...

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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 25, 2012 2:44 pm 
Lord of the Regency Council
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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 25, 2012 3:17 pm 
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Well... maybe you want to start from the link I posted and wonder a bit around in the connected links in search for an inspiration...
M:tG craze left me for good about 15-20 years ago and I didn't look at it since then. Once in a while my two memory neurons click and I'm reminded about some old card I used to play with.
In this case, I used to play with a Feldon's Cane (obviously a technomagical device in perfect Blackmoor style :roll: )...

Under RPG point of view, there are some good ideas, as quite a few cards have "flavour" quotes that all together refer to a common "world" that can only be guessed by looking at the various quotes all together, but every new expansion (more or less) brings a new "world" with it, so I'm now way too far from grasping them all... since i quit playing there have been almost a hundred new expansions... :roll:

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 Post subject: Re: [Blog] The Burrower Wars Part III: Life of Keres
PostPosted: Dec 06, 2017 9:43 pm 
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I loved this story from the beginning, but I can see it has a small crease: according to canon, Temrin died from a disease sent from Thanatos.
This doesn't mean that Thanatos could not have used Keres as an agent, neither that Keres could not have passed the disease to Temrin through a wound, but Temrin's death would not have been so sudden as described and most ikey his blood woould have turned poisonous or at least contagious.

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