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 Post subject: Percentiles.
PostPosted: Nov 09, 2015 2:59 am 

Joined: Oct 20, 2012 9:38 pm
Posts: 7
Hey gang. Does anybody know in what way percentile dice were used in blackmoor? I've read here and there hints that Dave liked percentiles but I haven't come across any details on how they were implemented. Did it look anything like powers and perils, Petal Throne, etc?

 Post subject: Re: Percentiles.
PostPosted: Nov 09, 2015 9:13 am 
Lord of the Regency Council
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I am afraid that I can't answer this. I know that Dave A. picked up a set of percentile dice on a trip to England in 1968. Dave Wesley also picked up a set at about the same time. I personally didn't see a percentile die until we got our little brown box sets of D&D rules in 1974. That doesn't mean Dave A. was not using them behind his referee screen, I could not see what dice he was rolling. He generally didn't show us what he rolled, just told us the results.

When I was rolling for specific percentages in the early days, I generally used three d6s with a specific set of outcomes (between 3 and 18) whose combined probability of coming up matched the desired percentage result. John Snider had a little chart that showed what numbers to roll would provide a specific percentage result. Does that make sense?


Baetho an Elf
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 Post subject: Re: Percentiles.
PostPosted: Nov 09, 2015 10:18 am 

Joined: Oct 20, 2012 9:38 pm
Posts: 7
That does make sense Greg. It's just something I've seen repeated from time to time whenever I feel the urge to go googling Dave for inspiration/interest. There never is any extrapolation though, just Dave liked and used percentiles. Thanks for the response.

 Post subject: Re: Percentiles.
PostPosted: Nov 15, 2015 10:15 am 
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Well, percentile dice were the basic dice used in Adventures in Fantasy. I think that's the main instance people think about. Otherwise, I don't think Dave was using percentiles in any special way, just usually as the chance that something might happen, such as waking a sleeping dragon.

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 Post subject: Re: Percentiles.
PostPosted: Nov 17, 2015 1:29 pm 
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