The only previous discussion on this topic that I have been able to find in the Wood of the Revenant is this one:
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=724The connection between the Wilderlands and Blackmoor originated at the time when JG published the First Fantasy Game. I believe this is when the valley surrounding the City of the Gods became named the Valley of the Ancients, thus linking it to the region of the same name in the Wilderlands.
Thematically the two settings also fit quite well. Both have a sword and sorcery theme, hints at sci fi elements, rumours of visitors from other planets etc.
The most serious effort to incorporate the two, I believe is our home campaign, the Last Fantasy Campaign, whose campaign documentation integrates the timelines of the two settings. At least one character, Tolleen, from the campaign is also from the Wilderlands region.
Did I miss anything?