Well, there was no direct question about BM lore, but rather an indirect one:
In my ongoing operation to cap off all my BM operations with the release of the "Age of Theodore" booklets later this year, I also wrote a short treatise dubbed "The Last PBP Ever", set some time after the Demon Wars. (My continuity, the Demon Wars roughly equal the "Crusades era", which IIRC is also a term from fan continuity.)
(Another bracket, to give you an idea: LFC - 1040 NC; AoT - 1400 NC; "The Last PBP Ever" - 1900 NC; The Mordred/Blackmoor Crossover from 2013 - 3500 NC, if we postulate that Mordred and BM are indeed set in the same universe.)
Looking at BM as a functioning world, my approach was to look at the major plotlines, again, and, more importantly, at monster ecologies. And one of the more prominent ones is the existence of vampires, and comparable critters in the Northern Marches.
So, this is where I would go back in "The Last PBP Ever" - and "The Palace of the Vampire Queen" being not just the first D&D adventure after BM and the White Box Dungeon, but also from the same era and by people related to the old group (in a very distant kind) might be a interesting thematic connection.
That said, "The Last PBP Ever" is really just a conceptual piece - as you all might know, if only because I've repeated it over and over and over and over since 2012 :) , as soon as the AoT booklets are done - or rather, I've handed the final manuscripts in to the good people at DF, I'll become an even less frequent guest at our usual ventures than I am now.
However, I can perfectly see myself returning to the setting for a short game at some point, like, say, for the Blackmoor group's 50th anniversary in 2020. The main function of writing such a treatise now is that I am NOW into the matter; once the booklets are written, I am perfectly positive that I'll soon forget most details. :) This way, I have always something to go back to if I ever pick it up again. :)