Havard asked that I post my After Action Reports (AAR) here. My AD&D games originally started in Greyhawk many years ago. When version 3.0 came out I stayed the version 2nd Edition AD&D until I found HackMaster and called it GreyHack. I soon discovered all the other D&D or HackMaster campaigns at my brick and mortar comic book start were also in Greyhawk. In order to avoid Players having too much campaign knowledge I started a new campaign in Blackmoor, having owned the old Arneson Brown Book and called my campaign HackMoor. Then another GameMaster started running HIS campaign in Blackmoor and I started overhearing the same plots I had been hatching during other unrelated games in the same room, I switched to another store on the other side of town. Again, not that I had anything against the other GM or his Players (some of which were also in mine), but to avoid cross-seeding the Player campaign information pool.
Thus my HackMoor campaign floundered through the First Fantasy Campaign for a few years. There was one reset along the way where I moved the timeline to a couple hundred years later, the earlier campaign stories becoming legends for another generation of characters. With the latest rendition I also acquired the old DA# modules and it is finally ending up in DA4.
What will follow will be a series of postings that will pick up where my campaign is now. I will also repost older After Action Reports GOING BACKWARDS IN TIME. So the subject line will contain the original posting date.
Tracy Johnson
Old fashioned text games hosted below: