Joined: Nov 16, 2011 10:32 pm Posts: 64
I know its been years but I run Pathfinder almost exclusively now(still collect and want to play Classic D&D/Swords and Wizardry but don't get to play them) and once again I find Blackmoor ever in my thoughts.
I'm tired of Adventure Paths,tired of modern adventures for the most part.
So my idea to bring my Pathfinder game to Blackmoor is this.
My party is currently being hurled through space and time as the result of the end of our last game. Now this WAS expected to drop them right where they wanted to be in the standard game world at around the time they wanted.
Instead I'm going to drop them into the waters just outside Blackmoor city! They will have no fast way to get back and are rather low of funds.
My idea is to run The Dungeons of Castle Blackmoor mixed in with my own levels as well as Rappan Athuk(the latest Pathfinder version). For breaks I will let them explore the city and countryside and eventually pit them against the machinations of The Egg of Coot!