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 Post subject: Timeline Redux II: Historic Period
PostPosted: Apr 05, 2011 10:51 am 
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Joined: Feb 01, 2010 11:59 am
Posts: 1023
Location: Schenectady
600 –
First Great Ben-Hassock Invasion. The Wizard Pissaic creates a ditch and defensive work around Blackmoor town and castle. Invasion turned back at Blackmoor castle. (FFC80:21)

700 –
Pirates establish Port Dacoit (Ross, repeated in 4eTFC:148)

780 –
Kargas Dolunt recognizes a special magical nature to the land itself in the Northern Marches. “Magic permeates the land’s every leaf, stone, and crevice.” (4eTFC:126) He seeks for ways to tap into that magic. (TWC:4,5)

798 -
Kargas Dolunt discovers methods to tap into the magical forces permeating the land. He can be credited with inventing the distillation process capturing the powerful essence and unique magical properties of Superberries, which grow on a tree found only in the Northern Marches. (discovery assumed, process described in FFC80:19) He makes his discoveries widely known. (TWC:4,5)

800-15 -
Influx of Wizards, drawn to the magical nature of the land and the promise of the newly discovered power of Superberries. They quickly begin carving out territories and staking claims. Fearing an invasion of non loyal foreign mages, the Emperor of Geneva issues a call for imperial wizards to settle in the Northern Marches. “Their numbers grew swiftly, however, and the size of the land each wizard wanted grew as well." (The Wizards Cabal, p4-5)

Death of the last Emperor Robert, marking the end of the Empire of Geneva, as various governors and warlords begin a long period of civil war. Within the next 75 years, much of the Empire is absorbed into the neighboring Great Kingdom and the Great Kings adopt the title “Emperor”. (Date and details presumed on the basis of no imperial interference or presence of any sort during the Mage Wars and the clear non existence of the Empire of Geneva by the time they are over.)

815 – 825-
Mage Wars – within a few years of arrival, the Magic Users begin to consolidate political power in the Northern Marches and fight each other. Weakened governors and local authorities are unable to contain them. Warfare between the groups is continuous and devastates the country. Within the first 5 years, 4 major factions emerge. (TWC:6) Much of the population decimated or flees to safer regions. (4eTFC:126,128)

825 – 890
“Mage Lord” period; After two decades of rampant warfare, virtually no one unaffiliated with one of the four factions remained. The Arcane Dominion of Raddai led by Raddan Goss emerges as the leading faction, followed by the faction of the Vadaley’s. Open hostilities continue between these groups as each seeks for a way to destroy the others. (4eTFC:126)

875 –
The Order of the Frog arises at Vestfold. . (DA2:9 “Maybe 150 years ago”, present in DA2 is year 1025)

885 –
Founding of Quincke’s Brigagde – populist wizards opposed to the any wizard/magic users exercising political authority. (BPG:176)

886 –
Skelfer Ard invents the spell focus using gemstones from the Northern Marches. (TWC:8)

886-96 -
Rise of a new faction led by Skelfer Ard. Empowered by the use of the spell focus and Ard’s superior magic, the new faction conquers or absorbs the others. Ard and allies are effectively in control of the Northern Marches. (TWC:8,9)

896 –
Ard’s faction commission Knight Inquisitors to hunt down all rogue mages exercising political power outside the faction’s control. Their mandate soon expands to include any practitioners of wild “sorcerous” magic. (4eTFC:34) Ard ‘s Inquisitors believe normal “Human (magic users)… achieve their magical effects through a system of pacts with the forces of nature… These forces then wield the magic as the (spell caster) commands; without these forces human magic is impossible. A (trained human spell caster) is but an instrument of a greater force. “(AiF,BoCaT:5)
“ (Creatures of wild magic – such as elves, dwarves and dragons), never make pacts with any (magical) force” (AIF,BoFaM,30) “(They have) innate supernatural powers (being) a force (themselves). (They are thus) capable of drawing directly from the… source (in and around them).” (AiF,BoCaT:5)
Any such use of undisciplined, wild magic is a danger which cannot be tolerated. (TWC:9,10)

898 –
Founding of the Eldritch Underground, led by the Witch of the Fane – rumored to be the granddaughter of Skelfer Ard. (PG:181,182)

900 –
Skelfer Ard establishes an alliance with the Emperor of the Great Kingdom. The emperor grants him sweeping powers to establish and lead the Wizards Cabal, (TWC: 11, 12), in return the Northern Marches are absorbed politically into the Great Kingdom, becoming it’s “least and newest province.” (DA1:2)
Multiple baronial seats are created, while real power falls in the hands of the new Cabal. Calvin Andahar granted the Barony of Blackmoor. (assumed, both dukes and barons are mentioned but barons occur in “present”, Dukes in the distant past. The order of barons follows order of appearance in print as suggested by Havard FFC80:23. We know these barons are Andahars because Uther is descended from a “long line of men who held Blackmoor” DA1:4)

900-927 -
Baron Calvin Andahar - murdered by the baroness during an act of infidelity.

908 –
Destruction of Eldritch Underground hideout in a battle with the Cabal. Underground scattered but victorious.
Founding of the sworn of Angville by Angville the Chaotic of the Eldritch Underground. The sworn of Angville dedicate themselves to the destruction of the Cabal. (PG:182)

910 –
Ard’s faction established a Wizards training school in Vestfold. Sometimes considered the official founding of the Cabal (TWC:12)

The Red Coven organizes the ten nomadic tribes of its southern territory into the Duchy of Ten and builds the city of Starmorgan on the grassy plains between the Cleve mountains and the Brushy Fen/Dismal Swamp bordering the Misaugua river. (DA3:27; 4eTFC:148, 10 nomadic tribes presumed – we know nomads inhabit Ten and we are later told there are 10 dukes FFC80:10) Outsiders begin to refer to the heartland of the Red Coven as the Duchy of the Peaks to distinguish it from Ten. (presumed)
Menander Ithamis becomes lord of Ringlo Hall. (DA1:54)
The cultists of the Frog order settle in the Dismal Swamps, fleeing from pogroms to eliminate them after it becomes known the Froggies are practicing human sacrifice. A handful of surviving cultists establish a monastery and modest temple in the middle of the swamps. (DA2:9 festered for “a century”)

927-935 –
Alfred Andahar becomes baron of Blackmoor. (assumed by context FFC80:23)

935 –
Founding of the Monastery of the Order of Mystics near the entrance to the Valley of the Ancients. (PG:212)

935-951 –
Balfred “the Bald” Andahar becomes baron of Blackmoor. (assumed by context FFC80:23)

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