Some things have been set in motion.
Nothing is all that set in stone yet, but from now on, people should be able to receive new info via this facebook page. speaking, and mainly because I decided to hire some professional editor and mapper guys, and have no idea how long that will take,
this book will likely not come out before the second half of 2013.
...But that doesn't mean I won't be generous about, well, whatever I can give you folks! :)
BTW, yeah, I am using a pen name for this. Everybody here should know my real name, but for this, and all of my other literary endeavors, I shall henceforth be known as "Raphael Pinthus".
Not that my real name wouldn't sound sort of made-up for a German guy, but as much as I welcome every attention in my shiny upcoming product, I iwould rather keep my hobbies
from coworkers, bosses, and,, raaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, students.
Wonder how you manage that, my dear viking?