The Comeback Inn

[Pelinore] Announcements from the Order of Heralds
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Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Oct 26, 2010 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  [Pelinore] Announcements from the Order of Heralds

The Order of Heralds are the record keepers and news bringers across the world of Pelinore. Read more about them . You can also find out more about them in Imagine Magazine issue #16 (if you can get a copy :wink: ).

When articles are added to or updated in , the Order of Heralds will tell you about it here first!

Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Oct 26, 2010 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Submissions

is now inviting submissions from its registered users.

In order to do this you must . Once your registration is confirmed I will grant you "Author" access (this may take up to 72 hours).

Author access will allow you to submit an article (follow the link in the main menu on the home page after you have logged in). Once submitted, I will review the article and, if it's acceptable, I will publish it to the website (this may take up to 168 hours).

As an Author it will be possible for you to edit your own articles. You will not be able to edit another author's articles or to edit any articles that have already been published on the site.

Help for using the content editor can be found .

Submission guidelines will be posted shortly. In the meantime, if you have an idea for a new article then please post a new topic in this section of the forum.



Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Oct 29, 2010 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  The Domains Updated

The article has been updated to include information on the Principality and Kingdom of Korrath.

A further article update is planned to include more information on the City League, The Barony of Poritas and the Cammarus See. After that, the article will be complete and I will move on to flesh out the County of Cerwyn - including an article on the town of Borth where my game on RPOL is set.

Shortly, I will commence work on the articles on the Gods of the Domains. These will include details of the gods themselves, the orders of the clergy and also rules information for playing clerics in the Domains.



Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Nov 08, 2010 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Work has commenced on the .

I admit I'm just copying out of Imagine #26, but I'm going to delete, update and expand once I've got the core info in: including info on clerical orders and maybe some "brief encounters".

One such brief encounter is an encounter with the "Flagellants" - which I used to great (comedy) effect in my online game at RPOL.

Stats for clerics will be for OADnD at the moment. I might get around to doing other systems, but I don't mind if anyone else volunteers :wink:

Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Nov 11, 2010 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

More work has been completed on . The list now includes all of the gods described in Imagine issue #26, from Abex/Sritinna to Valbure, and information on their clerics.

Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Nov 12, 2010 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

See for extracts from Graeme Davis' article in GM3 In Search of New Gods - "Defender's of the Faith".

This article gives good insight into how the Gods of Pelinore work and also on the struture of the the various religions in Pelinore.

I've taken Graeme's advice to heart and am going to be putting a lot of work into creating a structure for the religions of Pelinore. If you can get a hold of GM3, it's well worth a read.

Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Mar 08, 2011 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Announcements from the Order of Heralds

It's been a while, but there is new update activity at

Author:  Rafael [ Mar 09, 2011 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Announcements from the Order of Heralds

:) :) :)


Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Jun 04, 2011 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Announcements from the Order of Heralds

Thanks for your patience, ladies and gentlemen, but real life has been getting in the way of my creative output. Nevertheless, I've been able to post some new material for the Pelinore - Trade of Kings Campaign .

Author:  kneverwinterknight [ Jun 04, 2011 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Announcements from the Order of Heralds

For some reason that I can't explain, the site isn't working as it should at the moment. I will advise when normal service is resumed.

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