The Comeback Inn

23 DM Answers
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Author:  Rafael [ Jan 20, 2012 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  23 DM Answers

Author:  Rafael [ Jan 20, 2012 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 23 DM Answers

1. If you had to pick a single invention in a game you were most proud of what would it be?

Not my invention, but the "cute sidekick" is my trademark.
Almost always, I have a cute character, like Bobby the Bear, or Ronald, the Duck Paladin, in the game to give some comic relief.
Not so much because my games are that humorous, but, in fact, because they are very, very bleak.

2. When was the last time you GMed?

On a table? ... Probably last year at ROPEcon; otherwise, the latest "Ghosts of Summer" chat game.

3. When was the last time you played?

Heroquest, SUPERB home-made "Sturm über Mokkhatam" scenario on... I think around November 20th.
Otherwise, I think, probably around Halloween, some "Dark Heresy" scenario I don't quite seem to remember. :oops:

4. Give us a one-sentence pitch for an adventure you haven't run but would like to.

"Pelinore: Rise of the Zombie Cows."

5. What do you do while you wait for players to do things?

Check my superawesome "smart" phone.

6. What, if anything, do you eat while you play?

I don't eat while I DM; otherwise, meat or apples.

7. Do you find GMing physically exhausting?


8. What was the last interesting (to you, anyway) thing you remember a PC you were running doing?

Hmmm... "Why shouldn't we face that troll army in the rain?!"

9. Do your players take your serious setting and make it unserious? Vice versa? Neither?

Nope. They know me, and they fear my wrath.

10. What do you do with goblins?

Ignore them; I think orcs fill that role more than enough already.

11. What was the last non-RPG thing you saw that you converted into game material (background, setting, trap, etc.)?

The Tokkitai from "Jin Roh" made a very creepy appearance in my "Masque of the Red Death"-campaign.

12. What's the funniest table moment you can remember right now?

When my Warhammer character Backe ("Cheeky") rode through the gates of Middenheim on an eight-legged horse...

13. What was the last game book you looked at--aside from things you referenced in a game--why were you looking at it?

"The Ravenloft Gazeteer Volume I", because I wanted to know with how many "t" you spell "Gazeteer".

14. Who's your idea of the perfect RPG illustrator?

Jon Hodgson.

15. Does your game ever make your players genuinely afraid?


16. What was the best time you ever had running an adventure you didn't write? (If ever)

Best time I ever had: Running the beginner adventures from the German AD&D Basic Box for my youthgroup,
around the year 2000.

17. What would be the ideal physical set up to run a game in?

Any table big enough. Probably, at a bar, so we don't have to clean up later.

18. If you had to think of the two most disparate games or game products that you like what would they be?

4e core books, and Castle Falkenstein.

19. If you had to think of the most disparate influences overall on your game, what would they be?

Super Nintendo era RPGs, and German poetry from the 1920s.

20. As a GM, what kind of player do you want at your table?

People I get along well in real life, too.

21. What's a real life experience you've translated into game terms?

Sitting in public transport, having to pee urgently.

22. Is there an RPG product that you wish existed but doesn't?

"Ivid the Undying" should have made it into print.

23. Is there anyone you know who you talk about RPGs with who doesn't play? How do those conversations go?

Nah, not really. I am pretty private about my hobbies.

Author:  Dave L [ Jan 20, 2012 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 23 DM Answers

Author:  Rafael [ Jan 21, 2012 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 23 DM Answers

Come on, Dave!

Short answers, lots of nodding, one-word questions, raised eyebrows in pretended interest, and obviously, broad shoulders and good body smell.

Content, not important. :)

Author:  Havard [ Jan 21, 2012 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 23 DM Answers

Author:  RobJN [ Feb 17, 2012 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 23 DM Answers

Author:  Rafael [ Feb 18, 2012 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 23 DM Answers

BTW, this is the place I took it from:

Best (non-setting-related) blog I ever read. Warrants all the respect you can give it. :)

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