Hello everyone!
Brand new here, but not new to the hobby. Had an interest in it as a kid in the 80s, but didn’t find anyone to game with till the end of that decade. We played alot of WEG Star Wars, DC Heroes, Underground, & Earthdawn was our go to fantasy campaign, until 3rd Edition grabbed our attention. Been using 5E recently when we get the time from RL to game, but the old crew is spread pretty far afield these days.
Hadn’t done a proper game until my nephew & my niece asked me if I knew what this “DnD thing” was about. So I showed them, & they actually survived their 1st delve intact (pulled very few punches too, but these newer classes are pretty stout at 1stlvl.)
I was thinking about running them through a good old-fashioned meat-grinder. Give them a handful of level-zeros push them down a hole. I also wanted to see if they’d dig a history lesson too, & while searching the net “Secrets of Blackmoor“ showed up.
Had a blast watching it & learned a hell of a lot myself.
Funny thing is, I met Dave in 97’ or 98’ during my time at Full Sail. I was a student & he was brought in as part of a lecture. At the time it was mostly an audio/film school & most the others didn’t care about D&D, but I was thrilled & got to corner him & had a great exchange. I had no idea, at the time, about all of the strife with Gygax & that debate. (Nobody in our group really ever went to conventions or anything.) So I heard about the whole shebang from him 1st. I was too sheepish at the time to ask him to run a game for me, which is something I regretted immediately.
Had no idea he ended up teaching at the school! Missed opportunities!
Anyway, I enjoyed seeing the interviews with the OG players so much I started scouring the net to see if I could find more! That led me here!
So here I am!