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 Post subject: Fandom Entertainment's YouTube D&D Doc (Dave mentioned)
PostPosted: Aug 23, 2019 11:16 am 
Lord of the Regency Council
Lord of the Regency Council
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This documentary was made by YouTube's Fandom Entertainment (Formerly Screen Junkies Universe) and Roth Cornet.

Roth admits that she never played D&D and only got into it recently. Note that Fandom Ent. typically focuses on movie industry news so this is a departure from their regular material and their audiences are not mainly D&D fans, so please don't be too harsh on them. Its a documentary by non-D&D fans for non-D&D fans about D&D which still gives good PR. It should also get credit for mentioning Dave Arneson being Gary's "Creative partner".

It does make the "mistake" of focusing way too much on cosplayers, people who run D&D on streaming services (Critical Role, Acquisitions Inc etc) and celebrities who like D&D. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does risk giving a misleading impression of the hobby.

It does touch on some parts of the history of the game, like its nerdy origins, the Satanic Panic and the decline years (which are mistakenly said to be the early 2000s by Matt Mercer, when he surely meant the late 90s.)

I do like how this documentary shows D&D in a positive light and also focuses on how many individuals have used D&D to overcome their own personal demons.

Warning: If storiess of abuse or other trauma are problematic to you, then I would avoid this documentary.


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