Gentlemen, I agree with you both, on all points. I would like to say that I have never been made to feel unwelcome here on this forum, nor have any of the people here been rude or nasty. So, no problems here, that I know of. IIf anyone does have a question for me, then please feel free to ask away; I have the notifications set up to let me know of your interest.
If I may speak in general terms, what has caused me to rethink my involvement in the modern gaming environment has been the reaction of people who seem to have issues with first-hand play experience, as it does not seem to meet with their preconceptions of how games were played back in the day. My experience in Dave's Blackmoor may have been unique; we were playing with him primarily in the early 1980s, and you could tell that he'd had almost a decade of GM time under his belt. And there were differences with the 'published canon', as well; the Elves had not split into factions, and Gertie was a Great Golden Dragon - I suspect the 'grey' label came from the grey Plasticine that Dave had made her out of.
I think I occupy a niche of a niche of a niche, and if that's of interest, then I'm always happy to talk about it.
Thanks again, gents.
"My Lord, they're calling you a 'peasant'! Are you offended?"
"Nope. When you're an Imperial Governor, you usually get called *much* worse things..."