Echoes of Blackmoor
-Remnants of Blackmoor on present day Mystara.
The Great Rain of Fire is still remembered in myths and legends.
The most obvious remnant of the Blackmoor Civilization in the
geographical and climatic changes caused by the cataclysmic
destruction of Blackmoor. The explosion lead to Mystara shifting its
axis and altering the shapes of the continents. What other remnants of
today can be traced back to that ancient civilization?
First of all, the rise of the Blackmoor civilization was a process
over a thousand years in which the cultures of Blackmoor, Thonia and
other surrounding peoples were totally altered. Blackmoor gradually
became the dominant power of the entire planet and most surrounding
cultures adapted themselves to Blackmoor.
However, it is possible that the peoples who survived the Great Rain
of Fire reverted back to their original cultures. There are
similarities between some of the peoples living nearby Blackmoor and
present day peoples of Mystara (AC1000). The Ethengar and the Jennite
(The latter now mostly in Hollow World) appear to be descendants of
the Peshwa. In the case of the Ethengars, it is speculated that even
at the early times of Blackmoor many Peshwa tribes, suffering attacks
from the nearby Afridhi, migrated west through Proto-Alphatia and onto
the Dawn Territories and further onto what later became the Brun
Continent. Similarly, some Skandaharians may have made it across the
Frosthaven landbridge onto Brun and thus becoming the ancestors of
the later Antalians. This would explain the great similarities between
these two cultures. Some Immortal intervention by Odin, patron of both
the Skandaharians and Antalians, also does not seem unlikely. The
Valemen also made it across to the western part of the Northern
Continent, developing into present day Littonians.
Furthermore, the mention of Halflings on the Minean Coast may be
explained by surviving Blackmoor Halflings having made it that far
south. If so, maybe other peoples survived aswell?
Other cultures such as the Oltec, Azcan, Neathar and Tangor peoples
were eventually transplanted into the Hollow World as were the
Blacklore Elves. Perhaps the Serpent Peoples of Davania now also
exist on Mystaras inside?