This was posted by Jae Walker on the Blackmoor Exodus gmail group in January 2009:
Blackmoor Information Update!
Print Release Schedule Change
Due to a change of layout pesonell, last minute editing, and some
conflicting schedules to avoid, things are being pushed back by a
Quarter. The new Blackmoor schedule is as follows;
1st Quarter, February Release - Blackmoor: The First Campaign
2nd Quarter, May Release - Blackmoor: 2nd Edition (working title - for
Time Jump)
3rd Quarter, August Release - Blackmoor GM's Guide (working title -
for Time Jump)
4th Quarter, November Release - Ruins of Blackmoor (working title -
for Time Jump)
With delays we are now still seeing:
July 2009: Blackmoor - The First Campaign
August 2009: Blackmoor - Age of the Wolf (Player's Guide)
This leaves Age of the Wolf -GM's Guide and Ruins of Blackmoor (also for Age of the Wolf), perhaps later this year?