Gods of Freeport

There are 16 temples in Freeport’s temple district, but more than a hundred gods are being worshipped in these. Gods who do not have a temple devoted to them can be worshipped in shrines built in temples dedicated to other Gods. However, there are 4 major gods worshipped in the city.

Khoronus - The God of Knowledge
The largest temple in the city, belongs surprisingly enough to the God of Knowledge. Khoronus is often seen as the King of Gods and is said to be as old as time itself, thus he is often called Father Time. Khonornus opposes those who seek to destroy knowledge or spread madness such as the Unspeakable One.
His symbol is either an open book or an hourglass.

Harrimast - The God of Pirates
All true pirates worship Harrimast, lord of the High Seas. Sometimes he is also called Minroth, the Explorer. Harrimast is the patron of those who follow the pirate’s code of honor, rather than reckless thieves and murders. Harrimast smiles upon those who commit thievery and murder with honor.
His symbol is the Jolly Roger; A skull with two bones crossed under it, on a black background.

Proteus - God of the Sea
Proteus is King of the Depths. He can be a useful ally to those lost at sea. Sailors worship him, and are wise enough to know not to anger the lord of the sea. Mermaids and Sea elves know him as Manwara. Albatrosses are said to be messengers of Proteus, and killing one brings bad luck. He is sometimes known to send dolphins in aid of sailors lost at sea.
His symbol is the trident, or a Coral Trumpet.

Vanya - Goddess of War
For the Privateer’s, war can mean a fortune’s worth of gold and plunder, and Vanya, the Lady of War, Queen of Conquests looks favourably upon those who seek victory in war. Freeport has grown through its involvements in the wars between the nations of the continent, and Vanya has earned its citizen’s gratitude for the wealth it has brought the city. She scorns cowards and anyone not ready to draw sword or pistol against their enemies, but aids those who fight for glory.
Her symbol is a lance crossed by two swords, a double cross or a black lion’s head on a white background.

The Cult of the Unspeakable One.
The secret Cult of the Unspeakable One, also known as the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, is not one of the religions officially worshipped in Freeport. Devoted to spreading madness, this cult is known to exist in secret within the city, and is rumoured to have contacts even among the most powerful of its citizens.
The symbol of the cult is The Yellow Sign, a strange twisted figure.

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